181: The Backlog Report

Well, hello and welcome back to another episode of the Backlog Breakdown. I am one of your hosts, Nate, and this is a video game podcast where we seek to encourage and equip the church to engage the medium wisely and responsibly. In other words, we want to help you play. Well, and again, I'm one of your hosts, but I'm joined by my friend and brother in Christ and my co host, the inestimable, inimitable. Oh, and just.
Speaker B:You can't estimate me or imit. Imminate me.
Speaker A:Imitate you. Imitate all the praise I was about to heap on your head. I take back inimitable, you dullard. Now, it's. It's my buddy Josh. And so.
Speaker B:Hello.
Speaker A:Yeah, it's us.
Speaker B:And I'm a bit of a dullard.
Speaker A:We're all bits of. Like, if. If the Hunter Cosmos taught me anything is that we're all kind of dullards.
Speaker B:Far too dullard. D$ dish.
Speaker A:We are too. Well, just dull.
Speaker B:Like, I like dollard on my sandwiches. It's pretty good.
Speaker A:Dollard on your sandwich. What? What? I don't even know what you were trying to.
Speaker B:Mustard or dill? It just sounds like a spray.
Speaker A:Like a heavily dilled mustard, maybe.
Speaker B:Yeah, dullard.
Speaker A:Anyways, you're an idiot. I'm an idiot.
Speaker B:It's true.
Speaker A:This is idiotic.
Speaker B:But welcome, thank you for joining in.
Speaker A:Our thanks, folks. We're glad to have you here. You know, welcome. Welcome to the Crazy Train. But so tonight, folks, we don't really have a topic, per se. Oh, well, I mean, we kind of do, but not really. Like, what we're going to do is we're going to do basically an extended backlog report. So this.
Speaker B:That's right.
Speaker A:I promise nothing, but this might be a briefer episode than some of our other fare, but we're just going to talk about what we've been into, what we've been playing, and just actually maybe a little bit thinking about just how, like, where we're at in life right now is really sort of affecting the pace of our consumption and exploration.
Speaker B:Oh.
Speaker A:So that's. That's it. But it's. But no actual real topic topic.
Speaker B:Mm.
Speaker A:So we're just gonna. It's gonna be like. Do you remember when we. Sometimes we would have, like, the first half of the show would be like two hours almost hour and a half. Two hours. Like on the regular. And sometimes it still is, but like.
Speaker B:Yeah, that's what I was going to say. Kind of long, but. Yes. Yeah. Yes. I remember those days. Yeah, play along with a bit. You.
Speaker A:You knitwit, you dullard. You're ruining.
Speaker B:Yes.
Speaker A:Bit.
Speaker B:I remember Nate in the long ago days. The long ago days.
Speaker A:I remember what you were supposed to say was like. Or you could have just been like. Yeah, you mean like last episode.
Speaker B:Yeah. Not quite as quick on the wits this time around. But yes, those were long days.
Speaker A:I've been saying your witless for years now. I'm glad that you acknowledge that.
Speaker B:Without wits or estimates in an estimable.
Speaker A:Or imitations, without imitation, your. Your dull witted witlessness is inimitable. Hey man, we're just kind of.
Speaker B:That's your estimation.
Speaker A:That's my estimation. I don't know how you keep bringing estimations into it.
Speaker B:You said.
Speaker A:What did I say?
Speaker B:Inestimable. Inestimable and inimitable.
Speaker A:Right. But in saying. Yeah, insane. Inestimable. I think what I'm saying is that you can't be estimated. You know that, right? You. You are beyond that. So.
Speaker B:Right.
Speaker A:I don't know. Anyways, we're. We're just.
Speaker B:You said it, not me. I clearly didn't say it very well. No.
Speaker A:Well. And apparently I completely misspoke. So. But all right, so with that said.
Speaker B:Or at least attempted to being have.
Speaker A:Been said enough of our buffoonery. We need to get into this man. So Josh, it has been amazing. It's been. Yes, it has been a minute since we last spoke.
Speaker B:Whole minute.
Speaker A:How are you doing, my guy?
Speaker B:Yeah, yeah, I am doing all right. No, in general doing good. You know, there's a bunch that's happened over the past couple weeks since we talked last. There was a blood moon, there was a trailer for Death Stranding 2 that was revealed at south by Southwest. It was Mario Day. There's a lot that's happened, but I won't get into any of that. Actually kind of the big thing. At least something that's going to be popping up in this episode. So here I am setting the scene here is I went and had some blood drawn this past week. So my last physical, I took a blood panel and there were a few things that were a little off schedule. Ah. So I, I scheduled it at the end of last year, which guys love being a part of a smaller town because you can schedule and go like within the same week, which is crazy. I thought it would, you know, take forever to get in. Coming from Austin anyways, that has. That's neither here nor there. Last time, back in December, my family doctor, you know, he was like, there's some Some things that are a little off here. We'll, we'll take a look at it. Nothing too, not that big of a deal, but in about three months we'll go ahead and see, you know, if it's just a one off or whatever. And you know, still fairly new here, so we're still just getting a baseline for things. Anyways, went and got blood done and there was something that was, it's not like majorly crazy out of whack, but apparently my thyroid is not. It is, it is not working quite as well as it ought to. So there's hyperthyroid where it works too well and hypothyroid where it doesn't quite work well enough. And, and apparently this thing is like a regulator of all kinds of different things in the body, like your metabolism, your energy and stuff like that. So yeah, anyways, levels were. So I don't mean to go too far into it, but basically in order to tell the thyroid to do stuff, your body creates this hormone. So thyroid stimulating hormone, tsh. And it's just high according to my blood and it was testing even a little bit higher this time around, which means that my thyroid just isn't quite doing its job. Like my body's trying to get it to do its job and it's not doing it as well. The only reason I bring this up, it's not that big of a deal, but the only reason I bring this up is because it's like, okay, that kind of explains how I get pretty tired. I thought this, that was just getting older, you know, mid-30s, climbing my way to 40. I figured it's just getting old and then I, you know, of course you start googling around and googling stuff and it's like, oh yeah, hypothyroidism, that's most common in like 60 year old women. I'm like, oh, that makes me feel awesome. Yeah, yeah, exactly. So anyways, I'm starting off. It's nothing to be like super, you know, concerned with or anything like that. My doctor was like, yeah, this is a little high. We'll talk about it more like your next visit basically. But now that it's been twice, you know, it's like, okay, this is, it's just kind of how your body's working right now. So I've been trying to take some more vitamins with some other nutrients, see if that might affect it a little bit, get my energy up, bring it.
Speaker A:Back, back to whatever.
Speaker B:Yeah, yeah. So anyways, that I will be referring back to that throughout the Episode.
Speaker A:But your hypothyroidism.
Speaker B:Yeah, exactly. This little dude. I think it sits somewhere around here. Anyways. It's a crazy little thing, I think.
Speaker A:Yeah, I, I do think there. It's somewhere up here because. And you know, it's. But Nala, I think she, the, the tumor that ended up killing was growing on her thyroid.
Speaker B:Oh, wow. Okay.
Speaker A:Man, I hated that.
Speaker B:That's rough. The tumor, not the thyroid.
Speaker A:Yeah, she, she was getting rough there towards the end.
Speaker B:Yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, anyways, yeah, that's, that's, that's what I've been into. But no, I'm doing good. How about you? How have you been? Since last week had, I mean, discussion.
Speaker A:Today has been a roller coaster. I mean.
Speaker B:Okay, so motion.
Speaker A:Yes. Lots of peaks and valleys today. Okay. Mostly valleys, but I've, I've. I managed it. Like. I thought it was just like, allergies, but I think my. What it, what was originally allergies has kind of morphed into more of a. Just a head cold kind of thing. So that's why I sound all, like, gravelly and cool.
Speaker B:Gotcha.
Speaker A:Because this is an inestimable, like. Yeah, this is, this is my, like I've drank a fifth of whiskey and smoked an entire carton of Marlboro Reds and I'm now ready to like, fight all the cowboys.
Speaker B:Like a super cool guy.
Speaker A:Yeah, I'm going to be super cool and I'm going to be winded in 10 seconds because, yeah, carton of cigarettes. That's a lot of. That's a lot of ciggies. But yeah, so. So we've got that, like. I was like, yeah, we're finally healthy. And then we had like, some nice days and I went out and smoked a cigar and. And it was like, shouldn't have done that. Shouldn't have done that. Oh, I. Like I said, I think it was more allergies than anything else. But yeah, things are, things are okay here. Like, weather wise, it's kind of like we're in like the, like, what I would call like false spring where it's like, it gets warm but then it's like, it's stupid cold. And it's like you like winter. Winter's like on its way out, but it's like, it's kicking and fighting. It's doing some like, it's just not behaving itself. So there's that just. That's annoying. But yeah, the big thing was like today, today was just like, like I said, lots of emotions today. The car broke down not, not the Jeep. Not, not the new Jeep, that. But our car. And I think it's an intake issue. Like, I think it's something with like, the intake system or it could be part of the, like, sort of like the vacuum stuff. Like a vacuum issue.
Speaker B:Okay.
Speaker A:But. So got that towed up to the shop and they'll call us tomorrow. But, like, that just put me in a mood and.
Speaker B:Yeah, makes sense.
Speaker A:Kind of like discouraged. And then I came home and my dog had gotten into the trash and there was like a pile of chewed up, shredded trash, and I yelled at her, and then she made me mad because she wouldn't go outside. So. Yeah. And then I came home and I was just tired, you know, but now I'm here.
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker A:You know.
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker A:And I'm recording with my buddy.
Speaker B:Nice.
Speaker A:With my homie. So. Yeah, no, it's. It's like, you know, highs and lows. Like, we got. There's, there's some cool. There's something potentially pretty cool coming that.
Speaker B:Ooh.
Speaker A:Well, you know, and I don't want to talk about it too much, but. Yeah, I, I, I mean, I told you what it was. I'm just. There. There's just like, someone there. There's a chance that someone will be incredibly generous with me and my wife, and that will sort of like, change a lot of things for us. Not like, but it'll just really free us up to do a lot more with life in general. So that's pretty exciting.
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker A:So. Yeah.
Speaker B:That's awesome, man.
Speaker A:Yeah, it's. It's. I'm pretty. It's like, just kind of. I'm just ready. Like, you know how sometimes. Okay, like, and it hasn't been, like, bad bad. Right. Like, there's been ups and downs and like, I had to buy the Jeep a couple months ago and I freaked out about that. Cuz, like, the thought of taking on a car payment is, like, enough to, like, just like, makes me ill. Yeah.
Speaker B:It's not fun. Yeah.
Speaker A:No, I'm. I still need to get rid of my, My other Jeep. I've. I've got to order a new title. I, I got to do that tomorrow. Okay. I've been needing to do that for a minute now, but it's like, you know how sometimes you just feel like you're kind of in a rut? It's like we were sick for so long and we're just kind of like. And it just feels like I'm just ready to get out of the rut. Like, ready to, like, get traction and Sort of like move on, you know? And so some of that is just like stuff that we need to do at home. Like a little bit better, but. Yeah, no, we're okay.
Speaker B:I feel you. It's like. It's like when you're in an area in Elden Ring and you just like, can't get past a certain area and it keeps knocking you back, and then finally you get past that, and then the stuff past that is even harder. You're like, are you kidding me right now? I hope this is lame.
Speaker A:I hope that real life is not like elder ring in that.
Speaker B:Like, I hope my life doesn't quite horrifying.
Speaker A:Follow that. That trajectory because it will get. It's gonna get real gross real quick. We did have some. I'll tell you what, though. We did have. We had a tornado watch the other day.
Speaker B:Nice.
Speaker A:I was watching, but I didn't see any tornadoes. It could have been, like, simultaneously cool and very scary.
Speaker B:Yeah, yeah, yeah. I mean, we've. We've gotten a bunch of those since we've been here. I mean, over the past year. We haven't. We haven't gotten any this year. But last year there were like, two of them. Two or three. Well, no, no, the ones that touched down were not two, you know, maybe 45 minutes away. Something like that.
Speaker A:Anyways, I would, like crazy or a tornado in real life, but do it in a capacity where it's like, I'm not imminently threatened.
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker A:Does that make sense?
Speaker B:That's the goal.
Speaker A:You know, like, it would be super cool to watch one touchdown somewhere from.
Speaker B:Like, as you're riding a roller coaster. That'd be so cool. But, like, in a glass case, like. Like. Like a popemobile that you just, like, can't get through. So even if you got sucked up or in like, a refrigerator, you know.
Speaker A:What I would want?
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker A:I would want, like, basically, like sort of like the Popemobile, but like a hamster ball and I'm suspended in the middle of it.
Speaker B:Yes.
Speaker A:With like, a series of, like, cables and springs and so I could be, like, hurled around at breakneck speeds.
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker A:In the tornado, you could be bubble boy. I could be like. But like, like, seriously, like, protected from the hurt. The tornado. Yeah, the same.
Speaker B:You, like, watch the cow, like, spinning around.
Speaker A:That'd be kind of just be there.
Speaker B:Yeah, that'd be awesome.
Speaker A:That'd be terrifying. Just get, like, hurled around in, like a giant, you know, plexiglass bubble.
Speaker B:Yeah. But if you knew you'd be safe, that'd be pretty awesome.
Speaker A:Yeah, kind of.
Speaker B:Especially if you were the Pope. No, not really. Then you would not be safe. Anyways, enough about that. Let's. I think we've got some media to report on, right?
Speaker A:What? No, we don't need this. No, stop, stop. We don't need this. This song does not make me smile. What are you drinking?
Speaker B:So this is actually. This is a beer that we got while we were in western Wisconsin. It is a scotch ale by Lake Louie Brewing. Warp speed is what it's called. It is delicious.
Speaker A:Oh, warp speed. I, I, I get that reference. It's a Star Trek reference.
Speaker B:Yes. Yeah. And you see little lines on the can.
Speaker A:Yeah.
Speaker B:Going to warp speed. Because it's like, I want to say.
Speaker A:Scotty was a Scotsman.
Speaker B:Oh. Oh, yeah. There you go.
Speaker A:It's a scotch ale.
Speaker B:I didn't even get that until just now, but there you go. That makes a lot of sense. I like that, Joshua. Anyways, we've got some stuff to report on, some media that we've been into over the past week. Yeah, I guess in addition to just all the ups and downs, I guess this is really all ups, you know, I mean, unless you've got some media that you want to report on that you just like cannot recommend at all, which seems kind of counterintuitive. Well, I mean, sometimes you enjoy things how bad.
Speaker A:This is like a long form, backlog report episode kind of thing. I think as a general rule, we tend to stick to three pieces of media, but if you want to drag an extra 1 or 2 in there to sort of think about it, we can open that a little bit.
Speaker B:Okay. Okay. Well, right now I've got three pieces that I'll bring and then actually a fourth will show up a little bit later. So that's a tool that we'll use for later.
Speaker A:Teaser.
Speaker B:Yeah, teaser. Yeah, There you go. Anyways, the first thing that I have, the first piece of media, is one that I've been listening to. The other day, my favorite band, Cohen Cambria, released another album. And because they're a weird sci fi band, of course, the name of the album, it's ridiculous. It's Vaxis 3. The father of Make Believe is what it's called. And it's good and I dig it. It's not quite as like, why would.
Speaker A:He name his child Make Believe?
Speaker B:You know, it's not everything is literal, Nate. The child, actually, in the story, his name is Vaxis. Vaxis is who the child is. And then this is the third in the Vaxis series. Of albums. This is actually the 11th album by Coheed and Cambria, but this is the.
Speaker A:Third in the Vaxis series, right?
Speaker B:Yep. There's Vaxis one. I can't remember what that one was called. The second one is Window of Waking Mind. And then this third one is the Father of Make Believe.
Speaker A:Do they still do, like, the rock opera kind of concept album stuff?
Speaker B:Yeah. And so this one's actually pulling from some of the older ones as well, into kind of where the current timeline story is.
Speaker A:Like, Coheed and Cambria, like, their albums are literally just like stories.
Speaker B:They are basically the soundtracks to the stories. So you will not be able to get the stories from the songs. You might be able to get, like, pieces of it, vignettes of it. But, like, you need to actually. Like, they have some novellas and stuff out now that will explain the stories, but the songs are basically the soundtracks to that. So. So there might be songs about certain characters and. And about how they're feeling and stuff.
Speaker A:Like that, but it's kind of like Selling Me on Coheed and Cambria.
Speaker B:Oh, okay.
Speaker A:Like, so is there, like, a Vaxis novella? Like, have you read any of the books?
Speaker B:I haven't read any of Vaxis. I have some of the comic books from their first. Like, the first series. I'm trying to think of if they even had a name. I don't think so. But the first, like, the first album was Second Stage Turbine Blade, so that was the second volume. The third volume was the. In. Keeping Secrets of Silent Earth was their second album. So that's the third. The fourth volume was the third record, fifth volume. Or actually the fourth was split into two, which is ridiculous. Anyways, the first set of. There was the first set of five, and then there was a double album that they wrote all at once, but they released it in two parts. The Afterman and then. And that was like a prequel to those five, because at the end of the Five, which was actually the fourth one, because the fifth one was the first one in. In. In the. The way.
Speaker A:So I'm gonna need you to break this down for me. Like, I'm five years old.
Speaker B:Okay.
Speaker A:Where should I start?
Speaker B:Oh, man. I mean, because it's music. It depends. What. What are you trying to get out of it? Are you.
Speaker A:I don't know, man. Like.
Speaker B:Like, what does Co Heat sound like?
Speaker A:Like, sell. Sell me on this. Like, because I like the concept of, like, listening to an album.
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker A:It's like. It'd be so much cooler if they would like, just like, the album would like, actually, like, tell the story a little bit too.
Speaker B:Yeah, no, it's. It's not. So that would be more like, I think of if I want.
Speaker A:If I. Okay, let me pitch it this way.
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker A:If I want to experience some of this, like, multimedia experience that Coheed and Camera where is a fairly accessible place for me to start. Like the Alderman. Is that what you said?
Speaker B:The Afterman? Yeah. So that. Because it's only two albums.
Speaker A:Yeah, I would say comic book or something. Does it have any. Any accompanying media?
Speaker B:It does, and I have it, but it's not like even. That's not a full on, like, story. It's a short story, basically. So I'm trying to remember where I might have just, you know, like, gone through. Gone Google searches and things like that, and YouTube videos that kind of explain things more. There is one of the records, their fifth record right before the Afterman actually came with, like, a novel. And I remember reading through that one and I enjoyed that. And then I have some of the comic books from.
Speaker A:Who writes the book?
Speaker B:It depends. So different one, like people from the bands? No, no, they don't actually. So the guy from the band who. Who writes the lyrics? The singer. He also does some comic books and other things. He's got side projects and all kinds of stuff. Weird guy, but cool guy. I like him a lot, but I don't. I don't think he actually, like. Right. Like, he. He has the story, you know, planned out and he's the one who's doing it, but he doesn't actually write the books. He works with writers to write them. Okay, that makes sense.
Speaker A:So I'm gonna, like. I'm like, I just need. Like I said, I need sort of like. I need something to like, sort of like, prove this concept for me. And if, like, it's like one of those things where it's like, I could maybe get into this, that would be kind of cool. Yeah, I like.
Speaker B:So anyways, the other shade of it, so. So, yeah, I would say the Afterman, there's Ascension and Descension is how they split that double album. Okay. Or there's also, if you get it on streaming, the deluxe edition has both. Both of them. In terms of how you would find. I'm not sure how you would find, like, something to read alongside it, but I'm sure if you just search some Google. Happy St. Patrick. That was not coheating Cambria.
Speaker A:No, that was Copperhead Road. I don't know why that was. I was trying to google After Men or After Man. Right? Yeah, yeah, after man, yeah, the deluxe edition.
Speaker B:Yeah, both of them.
Speaker A:Okay.
Speaker B:Yeah. So anyways, so the other part of it just to. Just to throw, to make it even more, I mean, not necessarily more complicated, but just another kind of shade in there is that like a lot of the singer has said, like he writes. He started writing in this sci fi story so that he wouldn't have to write directly about things in his life, if that makes sense. But it's all like different perspectives on feelings that he's had. Right, right, exactly. Like the first few albums were based on his parents relationship, you know, and like, and the difficulties that they faced. There's an album, one of my favorite albums is like Very Angry about. About a breakup, basically. So it's about like murder and death and stuff like that. And it's funny because it's actually written about who's now his wife, and they've been married for quite a while now, but they had broken up at one.
Speaker A:Time and he was apparently very unhappy about that.
Speaker B:Right, exactly. So. So anyways, there's stuff. So sometimes the story, like you can tell it's a little fragmented, but it's because it's like, oh, this song was really about a time and a place. He just kind of like put it into this story as he's. So. So you see, so like after the Afterman and now into these Vaxis albums, it's about this kid, Vaxis and his parents, of course, because the singer is a parent now. And so like now what he's writing about is like, not even necessarily raising his child, but like watching his child grow and seeing how special his child is.
Speaker A:So now through the sci Fi story stuff.
Speaker B:Yeah, yeah.
Speaker A:Okay. This is. Okay, so. See, I never had anybody explain Coheed and Cambria that way. And maybe you had, and it just didn't appeal to me at the time. But like, now that I'm like, so what's the name of the. The novella? Or maybe I can just. I guess I can just Google that.
Speaker B:Yeah, yeah, I'm not quite sure for those. I need to go back and like in. In and iron out some of the story myself. But the Afterman story, I mean, it's. It's. Yeah, there you go. It's not like, not necessarily straightforward, but it's. It's a lot easier to understand. There's not like a million different characters like there seems to be in some of the other ones, but some of the characters from the Afterman show Up.
Speaker A:In vaxes, Coheed and Cambria.
Speaker B:Right?
Speaker A:Yeah. This is like. Okay, this is like. This is really interesting now.
Speaker B:Okay.
Speaker A:Okay.
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker A:Okay.
Speaker B:I am a nerd, so.
Speaker A:No, dude, it's like, I knew they were prog rock and I listened to some stuff, but I. And I knew that they did like concept album stuff. I. But I didn't know that there was like, it was sort of like a multimedia thing which, like. So that's like. Because, like, dude, I. I gotta be honest. Like, sometimes I'll listen to songs and I, Like, I will. There was this thing. Okay. Where I would lit. Like I had like soundtracks that I would pick out. Okay, this is gonna sound really stupid, but back when Evanescence was kind of like a big thing.
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker A:I would think about like, there was like a storyline that it would kind of like map out according to some of these songs. Like, not really even like the songs themselves or sometimes when I listen to Muse albums, like, it kind of like write little stories in my head. I like Muse. Good Time.
Speaker B:It's been quite a while since I've listened to them, but yeah, they're very, very creative.
Speaker A:Got a really wild sound.
Speaker B:Yeah. Yeah. And yeah, they're. Singer is a beast.
Speaker A:Well, dude, and they're Bass player man. Like, they're all.
Speaker B:Yeah, they're all crazy, dude.
Speaker A:They're. Well, he just like. Dude, like, sometimes it's. Oh, I can't remember. They're gone. There's this. There's one song in particular where like, he just like, he's like doing like the slap based stuff and it is like just so punchy and awesome. I'm like, I wish I could play bass guitar like that.
Speaker B:Yeah, yeah. Well, yeah, there. There are moments, if you listen for it, that I hear that in. In Coheed, especially some of these last albums of like. And I mean, it's been in the past as well, but just like certain fills and things where it's like, oh, man. Yeah, you're really good. Anyways, yeah, so. So dig the album. The only thing I will, you know, fair warning, there are a couple songs where there's some language. One of which happens to be like the second song. So after the opening song, like the first song, first, like kind of like full song in has. Has some language. And I'm like, dang it, we really have to do that so early on. But then I think there's only one other song on the album that has language. So, yeah, fair warning. But I like it. So that is the first thing to. To note the media to report on the other things. And this should go a little bit quicker is. You know what? I'll save the real. Well, never mind. Never mind. My wife and I started watching a show for nostalgia's sake, and that is Naruto, the anime Naruto. Yeah. So that's.
Speaker A:Right. Sam's a weebly. Yeah, she's at least we adjacent, right?
Speaker B:Yes. There are a few shows that she enjoys, but Naruto was one that she like, got really into. Like, she has watched more Naruto than I have. So as we were. As we're, you know, stuff on. Well, not the English.
Speaker A:So she. She does have some. Some taste.
Speaker B:Yes. Yeah.
Speaker A:They're like, listen, I watch a lot of dub just because, like, that's like. I actually, I'm like, well, I'll talk a little bit about. I'll add this to mine, but that Susan May. Okay. Yeah, but I've been watching it in dub anyways. I'll talk about it a little bit later. Anyway, so we've been watching Naruto.
Speaker B:Yeah. Yeah. So. And. And it's fun. It's. It's funny. You know, maybe there's some. Some pacing stuff or maybe it's just because I know, you know, what's gonna happen. I can't wait to, you know, to get to certain arcs and things like that. So anyways, we're just enjoying it. It's funny because actually, just earlier after the kids went down for bed, she was watching it and. And it's early on. Okay, so one of the first arcs, and it's a Shonen manga, you know, so it's. It's written for like, teenage boys, you know, but there's. There's this scene where it's like giving the backstory of this bad guy and it shows his dad is like. Is basically being crucified and it looks like his arms are ripped off and he's like crucified up on this pole and he's just like weeping as this child because it's like a back. Which McCall. It ain't. Oh my goodness.
Speaker A:It's a backstory.
Speaker B:That's what I was trying to say. Flashback. And so he's just like this little kid who's just like watching his dad die.
Speaker A:This is the bad guy.
Speaker B:Yeah, yeah. To kind of give you an idea of who this bad guy is. And, and, and so like, just as a child, he saw his dad die and he's just like weeping and I'm like, yeah, this is when this show probably won't show this to our kids for another few years. This is probably a little too intense, you know, with some of the stuff that goes on. So anyways, Naruto, I do like it. It's a lot of fun, believe it. Yeah, there's a bit, there's a bit of questionable content at times because he's a little rascal and there are some.
Speaker A:Dude, I, I love his characters, his sexy jutsu, his sexy clone.
Speaker B:Yeah, that's like. And it's like immediately off the bat, like first episode, he's like, you know, because it shows like part of who he is. Like a little rascal, like trying to get people to.
Speaker A:He's a little naughty.
Speaker B:Yeah, yeah. So anyways, Naruto, it's a fun time. And then lastly is a book that I listened to. It's called Toxic Empathy, Empathy by Ali Beth Stuckey. And I quite enjoyed it. I do think it was primarily written for women just because of the way that she talks sometimes, like refers to women as us or something like that. I'm like, oh, okay. So I'm not probably not the target audience necessarily.
Speaker A:I mean, you do have hypothyroidism.
Speaker B:That's right, basically. So I'm basically postmenopausal at this point.
Speaker A:Yeah, your words, not mine.
Speaker B:That is not what I said. But anyways, yeah, no, no, I enjoyed it because I mean, you know, she's making the argument of, of how empathy can be weaponized basically. And it's funny enough we were talking a little bit about this before we started the main episode recording in our Bro hang about how often we get one side of the story from a lot of the stories that we hear. And without hearing the other side of the story, we can't really judge rightly. And so, and, and that's what she does a lot in the book is not simply kind of straw man the opposite side of the arguments that she approaches, but she shows how like, okay, like this is the narrative that is being told about and it's primarily current day political or, or theological issues. So transgenderism, LGBT abortion, things like that. And, and here's the narrative that we're often presented. And here's like it is effectively presented because it, it speaks emotionally because you feel for the people who are actually harmed in these things. But like, let's stop for a moment and then let's see the other side of this. Like what does this lead to and who else is involved in this and what, like, let's get a full picture of this issue and, and address it. And so I I thought it was very effective because it's not simply saying that, oh, all empathy is wrong and not all empathy is toxic. It's simply saying that, like, empathy can be used in such a way to lead you to false conclusions.
Speaker A:No, that's. That is good. That is. That is. Yeah. Well. And there's a lot of emotional appeal and just sort of today's messaging and everything else. I think, too, one of the things is, like, you know, I read something where, you know, where somebody basically ascribed. Part of the breakdown and sort of being able to talk across aisles politically and ideologically, is that we no longer really socially have the concept of, like, you're wrong. Where it's. Now it's like, that basically works out to, like, you're wicked. This is wicked. This is evil.
Speaker B:Okay?
Speaker A:And that kind of dilutes, like. And I think part of. Part of the problem is. Okay, and what I'm gonna say is that, you know, as. As Christians, we do believe transgenderism is wicked. We do believe that a lot of these, like, abortion is wicked. Right. And there is a way to be gracious in that. But also, like, some of even what we're advocating for is pretty rigorously, like, vehemently opposed to these things. And, like, we would just say, like, no, this is a wicked thing. You know? But it's. It's kind of like. It's one of those things where it's like. Part of the breakdown, though, is that there are a lot of issues that aren't so sort of, like, ideologically oriented or, like, polarizing maybe. I don't know that there's, like. It just, you know, something that I was reading lately where it's just, like, a lot of times it's like, this is wrong. This is something I don't like or I don't agree with. And instead of saying, I think you're wrong, it just. We move right into, like, I think you're evil. And that. That really does break that, like. And one that dilutes the power of that word. Right. In a sense, because, like, it's. It's kind of like, if everything's evil, then nothing's evil. Kind of. It's like, if everything's awesome, nothing's awesome kind of thing. In fact, if. If everybody's Hitler, nobody's Hitler. Like, these things mean something, right? And there. There's gradations and categories. And I think, like, part of it is just, like, we're too flippant with. But with language and categorization sometimes. And, like, you know, there are A lot of things that we're just like, this is evil and. But there's gradations and there. And. And even the way that we talk about it I think sometimes devalues the actual weight of these things.
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker A:But anyways, like, I. I think that's a pretty sound thing. Like, it's. Yeah. Like there's been a lot of, like a lot of the current platforming with a lot of stuff is there's a lot of emotionally charged rhetoric.
Speaker B:Right. Yeah.
Speaker A:And I. Yeah. Yeah. So. Yeah. Cool.
Speaker B:Yep.
Speaker A:Cool, cool, cool.
Speaker B:It was good. And it was a short little listen to. I listened through it in like two days.
Speaker A:Okay.
Speaker B:So I want to say it was like six hours total, but I usually listen to it at, you know, 1.5 or 2 speed or something like that, so. But yeah, that's. That's what I've got. That's. That's some of the stuff that I've been into lately. And I would, I would recommend all of them with some slight caveats, you know, language, some not in the book. The book. Yeah. Anyways.
Speaker A:Yeah.
Speaker B:What you got? What you. What. What media do you have to report on?
Speaker A:Well, I'm still working on Infinite Jest and.
Speaker B:Okay.
Speaker A:Yeah, dude, the audiobook is work, man.
Speaker B:Like, okay.
Speaker A:I'm like halfway through and I had to take a break because it was just like it was getting to be a little too much. But I'm. I'm still sort of like dogging away on that. I'm still sort of chewing a little bit on the Haunted Cosmos. The. The actual book.
Speaker B:O. Yeah. Yeah.
Speaker A:But you know, and I don't have much to say. I did get a little farther in severance and I'm gonna say by the end of the first season, that show is such a banger. Like, I.
Speaker B:Okay.
Speaker A:I got through the first season and I'm like, yep, no. Yes. Like, I'm in. I'm trying to like slow roll through the second season a little bit because I don't want to. Like, it's going to be really hard, but like, I just want to like. So here's like the thing that's really wild about severance, right. The way that the first season ends and there was like a three year gap between seasons. I can see why people were like obsessed with this show because like where. Where it got, where it went and everything else.
Speaker B:Three year gap. That's crazy, dude.
Speaker A:It was like. Yeah, it was like two or three years. And so hopefully it does not take that long for the third season because I know that if I have to wait like two or three years, it's gonna be like, tough. But that show is like. But by the time where it gets to. At the end of the first season, I'm like, yeah, it's. It's pretty, pretty, pretty wild. It's a. It's weird, but it's. It's really. I really like that show.
Speaker B:Nice.
Speaker A:Yeah, it's a. It's a really interesting concept. I'm pretty excited to see what the second season has in store. Like, I think it's like, yeah, again, like, I think, just think the questions and the premise and like, because, dude, it's. Yeah. The end of season one. Like, like, and here's what I would say, right. Is something like the severance isn't going to be for everybody, but it is very much like Nate bait. And I think if you like it, you've got to push through. You've got to get through a few. The, the first couple episodes, really, the pacings are, to me, was kind of weird. Like, I liked it, but I was like, I was like, kind of iffy. And it wasn't until like the third episode where I was like, okay, like, no, like, I'm in. I'm committed. I'm going to like, like, I'm on this ride, you know what I'm saying? Where sometimes you watch a show and just like from like the get go, you're like, nope, this is, this is cool. Like, I'm into it. Like, it took. It's a. It's a little bit of slow burn if you, you know. So like, I don't know, just like, if you watch it and at first you're kind of like, whatever, like, give it a little bit of time. Like, kind of. It gets, it gets pretty interesting in my opinion. I think there's a lot of, like, a lot of, like, basically they need to set the stage. And I think the first few episodes really kind of do flesh out a lot of things. It doesn't answer many questions because that show just doesn't answer many questions. It's just like, just kind of keeps adding more questions to the pile. But at the same time I'm just like, what? Like I said, there. There are genuine moments in that show where literally I think if anybody would have predicted like certain plot points or whatever, I would have been like, you're. You're a psycho. You're just an absolute lunatic. Like, no way. So Severance and I wanted to double back, like the last piece of primary media. Like, and I'm going To talk about Susan Suzume a little bit here in a second, but I wanted to talk about redeeming productivity. He just had an episode sort of drop. I just listened to the podcast, and I know that you had said that you listened to him, and I know a friend of the show, Jono, listens to his stuff and subscribes to the newsletter. And I. And I think when you brought him up the one time, I just sort of offered a little bit of pushback about Reagan's stance towards video games.
Speaker B:Sure. Yeah.
Speaker A:I want to sort of amend that statement. Okay. In the sense that I listened to some of his earlier stuff and I think he was a little stronger, like, anti video game. But I think lately his thing is, like, listen, I was a video game addict, and I know that for me, like, they're not helpful. And so, like. And I think that as long as you couch it in that. That framework. So I want to say, like, I think his material is good. People, like, you know, just like, add an endorsement and say, like, I was listening to some stuff and he's got a lot of really, like, practical insight, I think. And. And frankly, I think it's really refreshing to have somebody writing sort of like productivity and producing productivity material with sort of a kingdom orientation in mind, you know, because, like, one of the things he said in one of the newsletters I read is like, you know, that so much of the. The productivity and time management materials we have now are oriented towards, like, why are you doing this? So that you have more time to do the things that you want or so that you can become rich. And he's like, that's not really why we should be good stewards over time. Like, it's. Some of these principles are good, but the, the underlying sort of like, the driving factors are leave. Leave a lot to be desired. And so we, We. We do have a better answer and a better. Sort of like, we have a better way. So I thought that was good. And I just like, Like I said, I've. I've kind of circled back and I really, I. Excuse me. I've been listening to some of his stuff and it's. I would recommend it. And again, I think as long as we keep that caveat in there where he's just like, hey, like, video games kind of shipwrecked his life for a little bit. And so one of the reasons he stays away from them for the most part is because he just doesn't trust himself, to which I would just say, like, dude, I think, well, just, you Know, it's like, if you don't want to play video games, that's fine, but like we just, you know, you can. You're also free to do that, so. Yeah, yeah, I just. I wanted to double back on that, but yeah, I haven't. And I haven't finished it. But I was watching Suzume and I was watching it dubbed and it's. I. It's like the director is like one of those dudes who does like these weird kind of like very emotionally charged, kind of like gorgeous, like kind of like art, anime, art flick kind of stuff.
Speaker B:Okay, but it's.
Speaker A:It's weird. Did you watch it?
Speaker B:No, I haven't.
Speaker A:Okay, it's weird, but I like it. It's. I mean it's like anime. It kind of reminds me a lot of. It's very sort of like metaphysically like kind of like spirit realm oriented kind of stuff. Like. Okay, but it's cute because it's. It's kind of like meet cute a little bit. It's kind of like rom comy, like slice of life, but also not. I don't know.
Speaker B:So it's sort of like your name.
Speaker A:I haven't. I haven't watched your name in a bit, but. Yeah. Yeah.
Speaker B:So your name also has like a time traveling element to it.
Speaker A:Yeah, there's no time traveling in this. Yes. Okay. Like I bought your name on PlayStation years ago. I think I watched it then and. But it's like it's kind of a. Like. Yeah, yeah, yeah, sorry. It's like your name. I think it's the same director.
Speaker B:Okay. Okay.
Speaker A:Anyways, I think they're like Suzume and your name. That's the same director. But anyway, Suzume or Suzume or whatever, however you want to say that name. Because like, I'm tired of butchering it. But it's. It's. It's been kind of weird, but I'm like I said I'm watching it in dub and. But it's cool. Like it's. It's cute and it's kind of sweet, but it's also just kind of wild. And there's some like just like absolutely stunning visuals. Like, just like. I think what's. What's so kind of like cool about that is like there is a. You know how sometimes like anime can get like a little sloppy?
Speaker B:Yeah. Oh yeah.
Speaker A:A lot of like really current anime gets like kind of sloppy. And I don't mind that. Like, I don't mind it. But like there is such like, it reminds me very much to, like, the quality level. Like, and it was. I think it was probably this way in your name as well. But, like, there's like a very high, like, quality level of quality bar with this film. Like, it's not like, it's not like Miyazaki level. It's not like Studio Ghibli level, but it's very good. And it's like, I could just really love that attention to detail and everything else. So, like. Yeah, but it's on. Yeah, it's. It's pretty cool. Like, I'm not done with it yet, but, like, it's just. I just. I do like this sort of formula where it's like, it's. It's a boy meets girl, but, like, with a wrinkle. With, like a weird kind of, like, supernatural or, like, metaphysically bizarre twist. I do. I do like that. There's something very, very charming and kind of wholesome and also a little insane about all of that. And I love it.
Speaker B:So nice.
Speaker A:But, yeah, so.
Speaker B:But yeah, that's cool. That's cool. It is cool. Nice. I'll have to check it out.
Speaker A:Yeah. I don't know. I know I'm watching it on Netflix, but I don't know where. I don't know if it's anywhere else. I have not gone back to. I have not finished Garth Moringi's Dark Place yet. Did you check that out at all?
Speaker B:I did. I did, actually. Yeah. What did you think of that? Dude, I was watching it and Sam is like, what the heck are you watching? What even is this?
Speaker A:And I'm like, the correct response.
Speaker B:I mean, sure, but it's also very, like, it's very tongue in cheek. Like, it's a clear satire. Right? I mean, it's. And that. Like, if you don't understand that, then, yeah, it's even weirder. But, like, that's. That's why it's so, like, if someone.
Speaker A:Were to walk in that mid episode and watch it in earnest, it's insane.
Speaker B:Okay. But I will also say, yes, this is a very clear satire, but it's probably the closest thing to Twin Peaks that I've ever seen because twin. It has a similar feel in some ways. Like, obviously this is way over the top, but there are some odd, like, soap opera e things in Twin Peaks that I'm just like, are. Are they trying to be serious? I can't tell where this just goes full on. Like, no, it's not trying. Like, oh, my goodness. When the boss. When there's like a clear Cut. Or he, like, looks over to read his lines or something. Like, that stuff is so funny. He, you know, acting like he can't act, which is, yeah, hilarious. But then it's also, like, super gory at times. Just weird and unhinged. No, I. I think it's great. Yeah. Great recommendation.
Speaker A:It's like, what's the. Like, I'm here for the doctor's job. That's great. We'll have you start immediately, you know, and then there's like a full minute of just awkward, and it just goes on, and it's like, I'm not exaggerated. It's like a minute of people just like. Like. Yeah. Oh.
Speaker B:And all throughout the show, the woman is just the punching bag. Just like, you know, get me a coffee. Oh, I can barely walk. You know, like. Oh, it's so. Yeah, it's hilarious. Yeah. Yeah. Darth Moringa.
Speaker A:Did you watch all of it?
Speaker B:No, I think. I think I have an episode or two left I didn't finish.
Speaker A:I'm pretty sure it's one of the last episodes. Has, like, sort of like a mock music video kind of montage thing in it. That is excellent.
Speaker B:Okay.
Speaker A:Like, it is just like, it is so, like, I actually. Well, and then that's the clip that got me to go back and watch it because it's like the 80s song that should have existed but didn't. Like, in real. Like, it's. It's like one of those things, like, when you hear. You're like, holy crap. It's just like. Yeah, it's.
Speaker B:Yeah, it's such.
Speaker A:It's just schlocky and dumb and I love it.
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker A:But it's like. It's also sort of like. It's just. It's that British humor. It reminds me of Spaced a little bit.
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker A:Like, space is a little more coherent. Right. Like, Garth Merengue's Dark Place is just like Fever Dream.
Speaker B:Yes.
Speaker A:But space is like. Like, it's a little insane, but it's like, it doesn't. Garth Morangi's like. Yeah. Garth Moringi's like. It's just like. It's just total spoof the whole time. You're just like, this is insane. But, like, space is like. It's just got a bit, like, a little bit more realism to it. Like, there's. It's a little more grounded or something. Yeah. Garth Morangi's Dark Place. It is something.
Speaker B:Yes.
Speaker A:Yeah. I think it's. The less. I think it's like. It's kind of delightful in an absolutely Unhinged way.
Speaker B:Yes. Yeah, but clearly unhinged. Yeah, I agree.
Speaker A:Oh, clearly unhinged. Massively unhinged. But it's sort of like that train wreck that sort of invites you to sort of just, you know, join us as we just go completely off the rails.
Speaker B:Right, so. Right. Yeah. And it's, it's very much like they do a really good job of portraying this person who is obsessed with himself and his writing and then writing himself in as the main character. It's just. Yeah, it's, it's done, it's done very well. Even though it's done poorly. I'm trying to think of the right way to say that.
Speaker A:Well, it's done poorly on purpose.
Speaker B:Exactly.
Speaker A:And it's. And in that execution, it's masterful.
Speaker B:Yeah. Because you get actors to act poorly on purpose, which frankly, that's got to be hard. Yeah.
Speaker A:And David, like. And so here's the thing, like the, the David Ayode, or however you say his name, like, that's kind of what he did. Like, he's kind of does like the same shtick and just like everything.
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker A:He's so good at kind of playing like this like ham fisted nitwit.
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker A:It's like, it's delightful.
Speaker B:Yeah, it's a good one. It's a good one. I like it.
Speaker A:I'm glad you for the recommendation I have.
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker A:Yes, that's. I'm glad that that one, like that sort of reco actually landed because I was, I was a little nervous. I was like sometimes because like, here's the thing. I like weird stuff and I know that I like weird stuff and that's like one of those things like that's on the fringe. And I was like, I think Josh might be like, he might be primed for this, but I like, if he doesn't like this, I'm going to feel bad.
Speaker B:It's like, it's so weird.
Speaker A:It's so weird. You know, so. But yeah, cool. So like, listen, folks, if you like weird stuff and you have a sense of humor similar to Josh and I's. Garth Merengue's dark place on Amazon prime is an unhinged, unhinged fever dream delight.
Speaker B:Yes, yes, I agree.
Speaker A:Yeah.
Speaker B:100%.
Speaker A:So. But yeah, I mean, that's, I mean, I've been into some other things, like dabbling. I did. Okay, so like one thing, and I'm gonna hate admitting this.
Speaker B:Oh.
Speaker A:Like I'm. But I was talking to a coworker now. This is like. And I haven't actually listened to it yet, but I was talking to a co worker and we were talking about Dostoevsky.
Speaker B:I was just like, okay, yeah.
Speaker A:Like, I was just kind of like rolling my eyes as I want to do, because I'm a Tolstoy man. Like, okay. Like any right thinking man. I'm a Tolstoy guy. But he said, listen. He's like, crime and Punishment is really, really good. He's like, you should probably. And it's been a long time since I've read it. And so I was like, okay, I'm gonna go back and, like, now that I have an appreciation for Russian lit, I'm gonna do this. And then I'm. Well, actually, I might. I might do Brothers. Karamazov first or. Karamazov or whatever. Yeah, first. Because that's like. That's like Crime and Punishment is basically like, sort of like his. Like, that's like his magnum opus in a lot of ways, from what I understand. Just like War and Peace with Tolstoys. And I haven't read Tolstoys. I haven't read War and Peace yet. So it's like, if I'm going to read one's like, master. Like. Like, Anna Karenina is brilliant and just like. I just think it's. But anyways, so I'm probably going to listen to the Brothers. The brothers K. And then, like I said, eventually go through War and Peace and then Common Punishment.
Speaker B:Nice, Nice. Where would you recommend. So I've only read Tolstoy or. Excuse me, Dostoevsky. I have not read Tolstoy. Where would you recommend. I start with Tolstoy.
Speaker A:Anna Karenina.
Speaker B:Okay, okay.
Speaker A:And get the Vronsky and Pavir translation.
Speaker B:Okay.
Speaker A:That's the one that I read that comes. That came from a recommendation from one of the guys that used to be on the bookening. And I really like that translation. It's a little drier. Like, it's a little more like. Apparently, like. It's like some of the text is, like, translated a little more literally sometimes.
Speaker B:Okay.
Speaker A:But I think to pretty great effect, like, Russian lit is. Yeah, that's. That's the Anna Karenina. The. The. The Vronsky Pavir or. Yeah, Pavir translation. So.
Speaker B:Okay, nice.
Speaker A:I've read some of his other stuff too, but I just think Anna Karenina is better. Like. Okay. I've gone back since then and I've read some other things, but. Or sometimes listen to some other things, but I just think Anna Karenina is kind of the best. Has, like, a really great Cast. It's sad.
Speaker B:Okay, wait, wait. This is Russian literature we're talking about. It doesn't end happily.
Speaker A:No.
Speaker B:Oh, wow.
Speaker A:I know. Shocker. The r. The Russians, the ruse. They're so upbeat and optimistic usually.
Speaker B:Yeah. It just ends with a wedding and everything.
Speaker A:Yeah.
Speaker B:It's a comedy.
Speaker A:Nobody ever dies.
Speaker B:Right.
Speaker A:You know?
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker A:No. But, yeah.
Speaker B:Drunk the entire time, spending family's money. Anyways.
Speaker A:Yeah. I'm not sure about that. Anyways. That we. Yeah, I'm just. But yeah, no, I really like Anna Karina. I think, you know, it's kind of like one of those things that, like, now that I'm talking about it, I'm like, I just kind of want to go back instead of listening or reading.
Speaker B:Sure.
Speaker A:Yeah, brothers. Like, I just want to go back and read Anna Karina.
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker A:Like, but I'm gonna. I will. Like, so it's. It's on my docket at this point.
Speaker B:So sweet.
Speaker A:Yeah. Dostoevsky's okay. I've read some of his essays and stuff. I just. He didn't land for me the way that Tolstoy did.
Speaker B:Okay.
Speaker A:So. But, I mean, they've got very similar voices because it's okay. They are the preeminent Russian lit dudes.
Speaker B:Sure.
Speaker A:So, like, they kind of defined that thing. Are really the only significant prominent examples as far as I. As I understand. So, yeah.
Speaker B:Yeah. Well, in the anime monster. But we don't have to talk about that. Do you have any. You. Do you have anything else that you have to report on?
Speaker A:Oh, we're gonna fight. We're gonna fight now. All right, horse girl.
Speaker B:All right. So, yeah, and I guess that's. That's what we've been into lately. Now we've got some video games to talk about. You know, that's kind of our main topic here.
Speaker A:But I think we should. Well, I think we should take a little bit of a break.
Speaker B:Okay, then. And so, yeah, before we take a break, we hope you've been enjoying what we've been doing, what we've been up to, and we hope you'll check out some of our friends as well. We're part of the Playwell network, and you should check out what they're [email protected] or if you like, you know, if you like what we're doing, we'd appreciate it if you do some sharing, do some caring, like the video. Thumbs up share, you know, do all that fun stuff. Leave a rating and a review. If you like the podcast, we'd appreciate all those things. But if you want to go a little bit above and beyond. We also have a patreon. Patreon.com thebacklogbreakdown where for as little as a buck a month, you get some perks there. You get some early and uncut access to all of our recordings that we do. You get a special role in our discord and you get to pick a game or a topic that we may talk about in the coming year. So that's a lot of fun. Some stuff there, but just think of it as a tip jar. If you enjoy what we do, that's there available for you. Some other things that we think you should support is one of our friends has an album remix coming up, but he's got a few words on that. So let's hear from him now. Hey, this is the techno funk boy.
Speaker A:10 years ago I released the Final Fantasy mixes. These were 10 high energy tracks that have remained even after a decade. Some of my most popular songs ever. After 10 years, I want to come.
Speaker B:Back to this recording and create an.
Speaker A:Even better version to live on for years to come. That is why I'm doing the 10th anniversary remasters that will include one or two extra tracks as well as for the first time ever, a physical release. But I need your help to do this. I started a Kickstarter in order to get the backing I need to get the physical release and brand new cover art to go with this project. You can learn [email protected] ffmix that's technofunkboy.com.
Speaker B:Ffmix.
Speaker A:And we're back. All right, so. So here's the thing. If you have listened to the show for any amount of time, you may notice that something was lacking from the front half. That's because we're gonna deal with it in the back half kind of sort of. But. Yeah, but I think, Josh, a fair place to sort of start is. And maybe they sort of kick this off as. How's. How's your backlog score looking, guy?
Speaker B:Oh, yeah, yeah. So if you're talking about the beat down score.
Speaker A:Yes.
Speaker B:You know, minus four. Yeah.
Speaker A:We are like the. The sort of like one of the. We are part of like the. The authorship of this thing. You know, we have heralded it and shepherded it and stewarded it and I.
Speaker B:Forgot what it was, cultivated it.
Speaker A:We have done all these things to enrich it. And I use the wrong word.
Speaker B:That's okay. I was mainly asking just for clarification sake because the way the men are.
Speaker A:Doing it to shame me, because I'm feeble minded.
Speaker B:Yes. 36 lashes with. With the shame whip. I don't know what I'm. I don't even know what I'm saying anymore. But just, just.
Speaker A:I don't know what you were saying to begin with.
Speaker B:Yeah, that was like all self flagellation, you know, with the 30. 39 lashes is what it's supposed to be anyways. Doesn't matter. It's neither here nor there. But the reason I asked for the clarification was simply because, you know the way the meta works, you can get more or less points depending on the games. So the amount of games. So talking like in total for 2025 so far, here we stand in the middle of March, getting towards the end of March already, which is crazy is I'm. I'm five games down for the year. I have a total score of negative 4 be in the beatdown meta because I've also picked up two games. One of the games that I've beaten so far is a long game, so I got a bonus there. So that comes out to sitting at a negative 4. I haven't changed since our previous recording, but at my current pace for the year, since I'm five games in, I think that I'm doing decently well in that I would like to finish at least two games a month. And I am on par for my two games a month so far because I'm kind of rounding the corner on one of the games that I'm playing. So that's where I'm sitting right now is negative four for the Beatdown.
Speaker A:Cool. Cool, cool, cool. I like. I'm pulling up my GG app, the official. The official app of the backlog. Beat down.
Speaker B:Hey.
Speaker A:Why'D I do. Why do I do the things that I do? Okay, so the way that it's looking right now is I've got four. Four games down so far this year. Actually five, because there's an addition. I did. I did. But I've got to talk. I. I've got to. Actually, I haven't updated it in the discord or on GG, but so far remnant 2 and the. The DLCs. Two of the DLCs for remnant. Okay, the Forgotten Kingdom. And then what was the other one? Who are. Who are you? The Dark Horizon. But then I also, I abandoned the Talos principle. So there's four. The four games. And then Parker and I actually sat down and we carved out some co op time not too long ago. Playing. Playing the Evil West.
Speaker B:Nice.
Speaker A:You know, that's. That was a Lot of fun. It's very much like a 360 era PS3 kind of action, shootery kind of game thing. It's got. It's very tropey, very sort of very video gamey. It has kind of a. The combat system takes a little bit to get into and get used to, but once you do, it's like, it's a pretty compelling loop. It's a lot of, like, navig, like, navigation, and then you have like, sort of a combat arena, like, and then more navigation than a combat arena. And it's. It's pretty good. It's kind of like arcadey and it's just fun. Like, it's. We, you know, it's. It's. It is very much not for the faint of heart. It's like. It's a story about cowboys that hunt vampires. And it's kind of very gory, very schlocky. Like, there's some swears, but it's. It's like, it's a fun game. It's a. It's like a. It's a good game, you know, in that sense. Like, it's not like an 8. It's not like a must play. It doesn't even verge on, like, being a really strong show play. It's like, it's like, listen, I think I got it for free through PS plus, okay? And so if you have it and you're even slightly at all interested, I think it's worth a burn. And it's not long. It's not long. I was tempted to, like, sort of go back through and sort of like, do some solo work and sort of like, play it on a harder difficulty. And then I was like, I don't. Ain't nobody got time for this. Like, I, I like the game, but I didn't like it that much, you know, so. So that, that would have put me back to negative three, because I had picked up what the. Oh, Dark Tide the other. The other day. Okay. But then I got an itch because our buddy, a patron, and one of our friends, Isaac, was talking about how he had played Far Cry Primal, right? And he was describing. And the way he described it, I forget what it like, man, I should go back. But, like, the descriptor he gave of his in game experience was so compelling. He talked about basically, like, it's a caveman simulator. And he hallucinated because apparently he ate some toads or whatever.
Speaker B:As you do. Yeah.
Speaker A:And then like, he got peed on by something or like, it was just weird. Like it was like the. The description he gave, like, not weird, but it was like. The description he gave was like, okay, like, this is kind of like, my unhinged lunacy that, like, I could, like, get into. It's a caveman simulator. So it's like, you know, you.
Speaker B:Nice.
Speaker A:Basically live in, like, a prehistoric, you know, Far Cry 3 map. And so I was like. I liked Far Cry 3. I. I like the Far Cry games. In theory, I've really enjoyed a few of them, but I haven't. I haven't played the later ones. But, like, the way. The way he described it was like, you know, like, listen, I'm down. Like, oh, no. He ate some mushrooms. And then that caused, like, he. He was foraging. He ate some mushrooms in the. The forest, and that caused him to hallucinate. And then he got into a fight.
Speaker B:Like, with a toad who peed him.
Speaker A:Who. Yeah, the toad peed on him or something like that.
Speaker B:It was like, pick him up. And they just.
Speaker A:Yeah, yeah, it was some. It was something weird. And I was just like, what? And so, yeah, I thought that was awesome. I was like, that. That sounds like my kind of, like my brain of insanity. And it was 8 bucks, and I had $10 in psn credit.
Speaker B:Oh, nice. Yeah.
Speaker A:Yeah. So, yeah, picked up Far Cry Primal, which takes me back down to two. I mean, I'm still chugging along and, dude, like, the. The Further. And I'm gonna save our thoughts for when we do the episode. But Sonnered has been a delight. Like, I was kind of like, I feel like I've been waffling. I was like, do I want to just beat it? It's like, I get in and I do, like, you know, I. I maybe split, like, a mission or a chapter over, like, a couple playthroughs, and it's just, like. It's just cool. It's just so cool. There's something. Okay, so, like, you're playing like, yes, the. The. The Lord Bodyguard. The Corvo. The. The Empress's bodyguard. Lord Corvo. And so. But then you get like, these, like, you can, like, teleport and you can get, like, special powers. And I'm just like, oh. And I'm. I am trying to do, like, a. No. Or a low chaos run. Because, like, you can. If you just go through and, like, just run and gun. Because you can play it that way. Like, you just run around, stab dudes, like, assassinating. Like, you can do that, but it's like, it yields higher chaos. And. But I'm. I'M trying to have, like, a lower chaos run.
Speaker B:Nice. Yeah.
Speaker A:So it's. It's cool. It's a. It's like. It. It's just like. It does that sort of like those immersive sims, they have, like, this level where it's like, it really is like, just multiple paths to different things. And that's sort of like. That is so much fun. Like, the. The one mission I was just doing, like, I had tried pretty unsuccessfully to, like, going through the ground level on this. This, this. I was trying to get into a house or a facility or something and.
Speaker B:Sure, yeah.
Speaker A:I was like, I'm just gonna kind of like, basically go through the front door and like, kind of sneak through and just like, knock people out, because that's. That's what I do. And then I was like, I tried a couple times and it's just like, it just never really worked out the way that I wanted it to. So what I ended up doing is just. I was like, okay, I'm going to look around, and I saw this platform, like, at the top of the. Towards the top of the building. I was like, can I get to that platform? And sure enough, like, I did some jumping around and climbing and stuff, and I was like, oh, yeah, I can get that platform. So I got to that platform and then I was able to sort of like, get to my target, like, and I was like, I feel so dumb, but also, like, so smart because, like, I did figure it out. It just took me forever in a day to do it.
Speaker B:Sure. Yeah.
Speaker A:It's like I threw myself in the meat grinder like, a dozen times, and it was like, hey, what if I do this? And I was like. And then I go up and I go, hey, there we go. Let's go. So, yeah, it's, it's, it's. It's a delightful game. But, yeah, like I said, I have more thoughts on that. Trying to think. Yeah, I'm pulling up my notes here just to. Yeah, it's just been. Yeah. Dishonored, Astro Bot, Dark Tide, Snap. I'm. I was telling you, like, I'm so close to getting Snap, like, our infinite this season bit, and I have thoughts on Snap and Logan and I might redo some recording here in the, you know, imminent future. And if we do, I'm going to save those for that.
Speaker B:Sure. Yeah.
Speaker A:So makes sense. Yeah. Just haven't really been able to, but I think that's been. The thing is, like, in sort of what we were talking about is like. Like, I just. I haven't I haven't really well one and I wasn't feeling well. And like, when I'm sick, I don't really like playing video games all that much.
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker A:Like, I'm sick, I don't like doing anything. Like, I'm just like, I want to be as passive as possible when I'm sick.
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker A:So it's like I kind of got like a head cold and then sort of like things with Byron and everything else. So. Yeah. But yeah, it's just kind of like it's just been a season, you know?
Speaker B:Yeah. Yeah, I feel you. Yeah. Especially, you know, even, even just, even just being tired. And here's where I kind of bring up the whole, the whole thyroid thing is like, yeah, I feel you a lot. Unfortunately, there are times where I'm like, okay, I could make some progress at the end of the day kind of thing. Kids are down, whatever. I'm like, I could make some progress while I'm sitting here just watching TV with my wife, but I don't really feel like it. Yeah, I feel more like just kind of sitting here and enjoying the moment, not putting another thing in front of me in front of the screen that.
Speaker A:I'm already watching or sometimes like, oh, and. Oh, before I forget. So, yeah, my total, total beatdown score is negative two. I don't know if I actually said that or not.
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker A:So, yeah, there you go. Like, I'm super, super with it. Like, that just shows how with it and put together we are and I am. But no, dude, there's even like times where it's like, like last night I put him down and I fell asleep while I was putting him to. Because that happens sometimes. And when I woke up, it was like almost 10 o'clock and I just came downstairs and just went to bed.
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker A:Like, yeah, Megan was like, hey, you know, you want to, want to hang out and talk for a little bit? And I just went straight to bed. I was also like, like, no, I, like I've got nothing at this point done, like nothing in the tank.
Speaker B:So.
Speaker A:Yeah, yeah, no, it's. And I, I think, like, it's just like. Yeah. So I'm, I'm not quite at the, the. I'm not quite echoing like the three games or two games a month that you've been hitting. But I, I might, I might round. Like I'm probably going to get dishonored done by the end of the month. Yeah. And actually I think I'm going to tee up. I've kind of been eyeballing astral chain.
Speaker B:Okay, sweet.
Speaker A:So I think that's gonna be my next patron pick. And it's like, I think that's the other thing is like, I'm enjoying all of it. Like, when I play, I have a good time, but it's like getting into that, I'm also like. So it's like we fired up. We had her sister and the nephew and the nieces and her brother in law and. And Dennis, her stepdad came over and we were all hanging out. We got some pizza. We got. Dude, we got South's pizza, which is like, if you ever come out to Johnstown, right. I hope Sal's is still around because it is like, it's. It's just like, it's not. I. I think their cheese and pepperoni pizza, like, just like, you know, like basic pizza.
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker A:Some of the best pizza in town might be the best pizza in town, period. And it's like, kind of cheap too. Like, you can get like. We got four extra large pies for like 50 bucks.
Speaker B:Okay. Yeah, like, that's.
Speaker A:Yeah, dude, 12, 13 bucks a pop kind of. Yeah, that territory. I was like, yo, this is sick.
Speaker B:That's awesome.
Speaker A:I ate like half a pepperoni by myself.
Speaker B:Nice.
Speaker A:And they're Catholic, so they like cheese. And we got a veggie.
Speaker B:Okay.
Speaker A:So they got some dates and cheese and some veggie. And Byron was doing like work on the veggie pizza. Dude, he's eating, he's eating like. And we think he's going through a bit of a growth spurt because, like.
Speaker B:He'S always going for it.
Speaker A:Yeah, dude, he came over tonight. He. He ate two granola bars today. And then he was asking me to open a third one. I was like, dude, like, no, you can. And he ate all of his supper. Like, he ate a full bowl of like, supper. It's just like, what kid? Like. Yeah, but anyways. Yeah, it's just like. And I think too, like, you know, part of it is like, I'm trying to get together with a friend from church here to potentially like, smoke a cigar. And.
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker A:Even if I can't smoke the cigar, I'll go out and I'll hang out and I'll have a cocktail or maybe whiskey or something with them. But yeah, sure. It's like, I'm just kind of like in a mode where like, I'm kind of like. I'm like, I'm. I'm okay. Yeah. You know?
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker A:Like, and it's just, it's. And especially where Byron's at, it's just tough, right? Because like if he's up, you know, I, I like. If he's up, I like spending time with him. You know, it's kind of like fun to spend time with him, but it's also like you also kind of have to. Because he's a freaking two year old.
Speaker B:He's.
Speaker A:It's like, it's like you kind of.
Speaker B:Have to keep tabs on him. Yeah.
Speaker A:Yeah. They get quiet and I get nervous. Like, I'm like, what are you doing?
Speaker B:Yep. Yep. Like, wait, I haven't heard you.
Speaker A:Yeah, I haven't heard you in like 30 seconds. Okay. Where are you?
Speaker B:Something's going on. Yep. Yep, Exactly. I totally get that. Yeah, it's, you know, that's just kind of the. I say season of life, I guess. I guess it's been there for a while, but yeah, there's just not as much time in for me to play. Kind of a single player experience. And I say that there are moments. You mentioned it earlier. On my elliptical, I get some handheld time in if I'm. If I decide that I don't want to read. So I've been trying to read more and I've been doing that on the elliptical, which has been nice. So outside of that, when I want to, I'll either read or play on a handheld device primarily while I'm on the elliptical. So that gets me a little bit of time. Outside of that, it's. It's just become harder to find some time to, to play certain things. So if it's, you know, like during the day, then it has to be a game that is for the most part I say has to. I suppose I could play it on my laptop, but for the most part, one that's a bit more family friendly because I've got three kids, you know, our oldest is nine. Nine. She'll. Our daughter will be. No, she'll be eight. Wow. She is seven. She'll be eight here in May. And then we have a four year old, will be five in July. So it. Just because of that, you know, they always kind of want to see what I'm doing and so if I'm playing something they'll, they'll want to watch. And so I can't play anything, you know, hyper violent or anything like that. That's not.
Speaker A:You can't play the good stuff.
Speaker B:Well, yeah, I guess it just, it kind of just depends. So. So something like what we talked about on the previous episode. The Talos principle was totally fine and my son was into it like he enjoyed watching that game as we kind of figured some stuff out. So that one was a little easier. I haven't tried. I still haven't started. Dishonored. I need to. And so I don't know how violent that is going to be. I mean, I know obviously there are kills in it, but I'm, I'm. I don't know. I don't know. We'll see about that one. But yeah, so. So it just depends on that. I do find that I do more kind of, yeah, not so much single player for the most part for during the day. But as my kids are interested, it's kind of like the single player games that I am playing in front of them. I want them to like, either they'll be so curious that they kind of want to join in, you know, help out or, or, or just, you know, watch. And so it becomes a bit more communal than just kind of me playing my game. So then the only time where that happens, you know, they're few and far between kind of moments. If the kids and Sam are out, doesn't happen very often. But then it's the end of the day and then it's kind of a toss up of okay, I want to spend time with my wife because I don't get, you know, it's. The kids are always around so we don't really get very much time. So then are we going to, you know, watch TV together? Do we have things that we need to talk about? Is it, you know, is it going to be rude for me to pull out the switch or something like that while we're trying to hang out? You know, so most of the time I don't unless she's got something that she needs to do. You know, sometimes things like that happen. So it's just, it's just become fewer and farther between. And I think added on to this is. And I don't want to make again kind of making a big deal out of it, but I don't mean to make too big of a deal out of it.
Speaker A:Your hypothyroidism, right?
Speaker B:Exactly, exactly. It's like, okay, this is why I'm tired a lot of the time. And again, hopefully just by being more diligent in taking vitamins in supplements that'll help that out so that I have a bit more energy and not just constantly like drinking. It might explain my over consumption of coffee throughout.
Speaker A:How much coffee do you drink a day, do you think?
Speaker B:I mean, okay, so baseline is two cups. But there are some days where I just continue.
Speaker A:Like 12 ounce.
Speaker B:Yeah, yeah. It's more 12 to 16. Yeah. Would be one. Yeah. Yeah. I would, I would say if I make it at home, it's probably going to be that 12.12ounce. It just, it just depends where I am because if I'm at work, like we have coffee there up at the church that I can make. I've got an Aeropress up there as well. And then if there's any groups that are meeting, they'll have some leftover. We had a Bible study this morning, so we make a few pots of it. And so I'm drinking it all morning. So, you know, I could practice probably. I probably had four, five cups that. But that would be eight ounce, you know, so I'm just constantly drinking it because it's there, you know.
Speaker A:Yeah.
Speaker B:And then maybe a soda in the afternoon.
Speaker A:I just read somewhere that they're like basically much more than 400 milligrams of caffeine or whatever is. They're just like. Yeah. That you probably should avoid, like, much more than that.
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker A:I'm like, that's like, I'm pretty sure I hit that window almost every day.
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker A:Like, and I'm like that, that has like. I'm like, I want to like I've. I've scaled back on. Like, I try not to drink an energy energy drink every day.
Speaker B:I try. Okay.
Speaker A:Yeah, like. But yeah, we've caught like what triggered this was actually. It's actually yesterday, Sunday. I got a dude start like, listen, Starbucks is Starbucks, but they have a nitro cold brew with vanilla sweet cream.
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker A:That is out of this world. Just like.
Speaker B:And it's not too sweet either. Yeah, that was pretty good.
Speaker A:Yeah, it's. It's so good. It's like one of my favorite things. And I got one of those yesterday and I was like, holy crap, this is so good. Like, this is so, so stinking good. And I was really enjoying it. And then I was like, how much caffeine does it have? And that's when I went down the rabbit hole. It's like, well, you should only have about 400 milligrams or whatever. And this has like 210 or 250.
Speaker B:I was like, sick. Yeah.
Speaker A:I was like, well, no energy drink for me today. Yeah, yeah. Which is fine. But it's like, yeah, I probably like pretty easily hit. It would not surprise me to find out, like, I hit 400 to 500 milligrams or whatever.
Speaker B:Yeah, for sure. For sure. And I can feel kind of the arc of it if that makes sense. Like it's, it's just a default that I have it in the morning. Whether I, it kind of depends. If I wake up and I'm like really groggy and I have a little bit of time, then I'll just make a cup here as I'm kind of getting ready for stuff. But if I'm, if I'm not groggy or I have a shorter window of time, then I'll just leave and then have coffee just while I'm at work kind of a thing.
Speaker A:I, I have a, I have a cup almost. No, I have a cup every morning pretty much whether or not it's, it's at home or like, like sometimes if like we're out of coffee, I'll just leave a little early and I'll go get like a cup from Starbucks or something.
Speaker B:Sure. Yeah.
Speaker A:But yeah, I, I, that's like the, that is the one like constant is that I have probably about 12 ounces of hot coffee or just coffee in general every morning.
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker A:And if I don't have that, then, then we, the, then the struggle. Bus is boarded, it's waiting. It's at, it's at the station.
Speaker B:Yeah, yeah.
Speaker A:And then, yeah, later on probably. And that's at like 6:30, 7:00 and then probably about 10:30, 11, like about lunchtime. I usually crack open an energy drink and those, the ones that I've been on lately have about 200 milligrams of caffeine.
Speaker B:Okay. Okay.
Speaker A:So yeah, they're, they're punchy, they're kind of, they're, they're throwing me. So it's like, like I said. And then sometimes, sometimes, sometimes like if I have an energy, energy. Energy drink earlier in the day. I try not to have a soda.
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker A:But sometimes I still have the soda. So. Yeah.
Speaker B:Yep. Yeah. So anyways, yeah, all that say I do feel kind of the, the, the come down from it. If that makes it like I will feel, I will feel the crash is what it is. And so depending. And I try to cut off, at least I try to cut off coffee consumption around lunchtime, especially if I have a later lunch. But, but yeah, I'll usually have a soda or something in the afternoon.
Speaker A:I'll have like, yeah. Soda in the evening. Afternoon. But I think it's like anything after seven.
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker A:I guess after like, you know, I had, I had a soda right before we started recording.
Speaker B:Sure. But we tend to go long. Yes.
Speaker A:But even that is like, and soda doesn't hit me the way that like, like if I had sucked down the energy drink, I wouldn't be sleeping for another few hours. But like I'm like, we've been recording for a few hours and I'm starting to flag later and I can feel like that caffeine sort of like already losing some of its potency.
Speaker B:Yep.
Speaker A:Like.
Speaker B:Yeah, so, yeah, so, you know. Yeah. I'm sure part of it's getting older. I'm sure, you know, having kids plays into that as well. But did want to talk just a little bit about, you know, what it looks like, still trying to be focused on, at least for me, primarily on my backlog, you know, and these patron picks and things like that. And, and as I've kind of, you know, worked at mapping out what the year looks like, just wanted to see, you know, how we're doing so far. And overall, like the quantity of games has been good. I've shifted a little bit. So my strategy is a little, it's been working well, but it's kind of a three pronged strategy of that There are games that fit into this single player. The rarer kind of games for me to play would be like the, like the Talos principle. Although again, that one I could play at least in front of the kids. So so long as I had time to do that, I could, I could do that. There's that section where it's. Where it's single player experiences in front of a. Some sort of like a home console. In that case, it's my laptop. That's how I'm going to play Dishonored as well. That's a single category. And then the other category would be handheld, primarily Switch games. And then the final category that I wanted to talk about as well for me is. I don't know that I've said this on the main podcast, but I have a handheld emulation machine that looks like a Game Boy advance sp. And I got this thing, you know, it's just a, it's a cheap Chinese thing, but I say that it's, it's inexpensive but it feels pretty good. And I've loaded some games onto it that are games on that I've had on my backlog. So a few of the games that I've tackled this year so far, primarily Ninja Gaiden and then also Willow, they were original Nintendo games and I'm playing them on this handheld so that I can play it on the go. So if I have a spare few minutes, I don't have to, you know, plug in a Nintendo Entertainment System. To a CRT tv. Also it has some conveniences like save states and it has a speed up function which I did use through some of Willow didn't use on. On Ninja Gaiden because that would just be insane.
Speaker A:You would want it to go the other way, right?
Speaker B:Exactly, yeah. For some of the parts that are. That are there. And. And so that has really helped me in because I use it to play backlog games, but in a more convenient form. And so like with those between those three, I can kind of slot my games in to these different ones. The other kind of consideration that I've been using is how long these games are. So the longest game that I finished is. Is when I had the, the bite sized episode on it. The Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Survivor 2 record breaker. That one, you know, I put in over 40 hours for that one. It was somewhere. It was somewhere between 40 to 50, maybe around that 45 area. But I had started that one at the end of last year. It did take me longer than I had anticipated. And frankly, even the game that I'm playing now that I've been focusing on for a little bit, Pokemon Legends, Arceus, it. I've already. I want to say I've hit the 20 hour mark. I think it was at like 22 hours so far. I am kind of rounding the corner on that one, getting towards the end, but not done with it yet. And so it's another one where it's like, okay, I did. I did think I'd be a bit farther along. You know, I do kind of have to pick up the pace. So that's how I choose what games to play next. You mentioned how, you know, like, hey, I'm. I'm doing pretty well on the amount of games that I've beaten so far for the year. Well, that's also taking into account that again, games like Ninja Gaiden and Willow are much, much shorter than a lot of games nowadays. Although most of the games that I want to play this year are shorter. Most of them there are a few outliers and so that's what I want to be mindful of and kind of slot them into their proper kind of areas. Because if it is a long game that I have to sit down and dedicate myself to, that's going to take quite a bit longer than something I can play on a handheld or something that I can play, you know, in fits and spurts. Because that's kind of where most of my game time comes from nowadays is. Is that's just wherever I can find it because frankly there, there are other responsibilities that I have that sometimes when I have a bit of free time, I want to get caught up on some other things, you know, some other responsibilities. I don't need to prep some of the kids school or, you know, or meal prep or something, you know, get some other things done instead of focusing on that.
Speaker A:That's also part of it though is that like, you know, we're still pretty hip, deep in recuperation mode where it's like, yeah, we, we've had like something rolling through the house pretty much non stop for the last like two, three months.
Speaker B:Right.
Speaker A:And we're, we're kind of at a point where it's like, okay, like you, you kind of, you enter into this like, okay, we're existing but like a lot of stuff isn't getting done the way that it needs to be done. And so now you're sort of writing that plate like you're writing that a little bit. And that just requires like less game time. That requires you have to like. Yeah, it's like, you know, we've got to really prioritize. Maybe like spending like half hour 45 to, you know, maybe even an hour a night sort of getting things back to like sort of an acceptable state.
Speaker B:Yep.
Speaker A:Like, you know, we're gonna. I think one of the things though too is like, you know, like we're not really big on. Like we don't have like a lot of routines or rhythms. Like we just like, if things need done, they need done. But I think we are going to, like we talked about it and I think just possibly we're just gonna like transition. Like Wednesday nights are just going to become laundry night. Like all the laundry is going to come out. We're gonna sort it, we're gonna work through it together and like, it's just, that's what we're gonna do for a few hours. It doesn't mean that we won't be able to do other things, but it's like everything will sort of revolve around that.
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker A:So.
Speaker B:Yeah. Nice. That is, that is ambitious to me, trying to do it all in one night.
Speaker A:Well, and even if you don't get it all done, like, you know, you can put a pretty sizable dent.
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker A:In it. Like you know, doing it for just, you know, a few hours since like, you know, wash, fold. So we'll see, we'll see. Like, you know, if I remember, you know, we can talk about it, you know, when we come back. Yeah, but it's like I think that's like. That's definitely been part of the. The. The fugue, if you will, sort of on my end is it. It's just like. There's just a bunch of stuff, you know, like. Yeah, and that's just like. I think just as a general rule, we, like, we need to get like my family. We need to get better at just kind of carving that out. And especially as Aaron gets older, like I told you, he's. He's parodying a lot of things where, like, he's like. He's like. He's really echoing a lot of words and he has like. He has some, like, play toys. Like we. Some. We bought him like the, like a little broom and stuff. And so he'll just like, pretend to help sometimes when you're like, nice. But. So. Yeah, but yeah, I mean, that's just like, like I. I plan on. You know, I think I'm gonna wrap up Dishonored here pretty shortly, and I think I'm gonna tee up Astral Chain after that. Sweet. But I do think after I knock out Dishonored, I'm probably gonna try and prioritize Astrobot just to sort of like tick one off. Like, you know, I think if I can sort of like that rhythm, tick one off of each list kind of thing, yeah, that'll feel pretty good. So.
Speaker B:Yeah, yeah, yeah, I agree. I agree. I've already started in on my next short little backlog game, which is Contra 3 the alien wars. I've had a Super Nintendo mini, one of those little mini consoles for a long time, and it was on there. So now I've got it on my little handheld and man, it is a different experience because I don't want to use a ton of save states in order to beat it. And the game really is a lot about memorization. It's. It's a crazy game in general. I mean, it's, you know, if you know the original.
Speaker A:Those games are just like it. It is about remembering where the enemy spawn when they come through. Like. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Speaker B:But this one is like. It is. You know, we use this term a lot, but unhinged. Just some of the stuff that happens. It is like. It is like the. I mean, Expendables, you know, just like from one explosion to another explosion to you, you know, hanging over fires because the. The whole city has exploded to then like you're on top of a helicopter while an alien's attacking you. Just insanity.
Speaker A:Doesn't that one get like a lot more almost like bullet heli Too, like there's like a lot more action on the screen. Is it. Am I remembering that correctly?
Speaker B:I mean there, there is a lot going on, but like the original Contra, I mean, it's like one hit kills, so I, I haven't gotten very far, so maybe, maybe it does eventually even more so. But it. You can die just like that from a stray bullet.
Speaker A:Yeah. So Contra, Yeah. Contra is just like one of those series that. Up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, bas. Give me them 99 lives.
Speaker B:Yeah, yeah. And just have it like very arcadey feeling. Just a, just a fun little playthrough. So. But it's, it's a blast. But it, it will like, it's a short game. It's going to take me a little while just to get a feel for it to, you know, memorize some patterns and really kind of make some progress in it. But there's that as well. Do you. One last question, you know, kind of before we wrap it up is just as you look forward to the rest of the year, do you see anything changing or are you expecting like. No, this is pretty much the amount of time that I can dedicate towards kind of the games that I have right now.
Speaker A:I mean, so in November, I have, I, I managed to take most of November off and so there's gonna be a fairly open chunk of time. And I think, I think maybe sort of this summer when Megan's home all the time and stuff, like they'll still want to do stuff in the evenings, but like, maybe that might, that might free up sort of more leisure time in the sense where it's like, you know, at that point in time, like it'll be more like, hey, like, you know, you're gonna take care. Like I'm gonna take care of like the lawn and stuff like that. And so that's gonna. But it's like in theory it might free up more time. So.
Speaker B:Okay, maybe. Okay. Yeah.
Speaker A:But yeah, I, I don't know. It's just like right now because like, here's the thing is like with the route, the way that the route works now, it's like I'm home in eight hours most days. Like today.
Speaker B:That's awesome.
Speaker A:I was today, I, I took about 45 minutes of overtime, maybe a little bit longer. But you know, but that's the exception. That's no, no longer the rule. And, and I'm, I'm not mad about the overtime, you know, especially if I have to do any sort of half serious repairs to my car.
Speaker B:Yeah, sure. Yeah.
Speaker A:But yeah, it's like. So we'll see. We'll see. Because, like, there's a. There's some just. There's some stuff at the church that I need to take care of. I need to get on it sooner rather than later. So, like. Yeah, there's just like, you know, trying to. Trying to keep up with everything. Like, it's. We'll see. But, yeah, I'm not. I'm not super optimistic, you know, in saying, like, oh, yeah, I'm gonna. But, like, you know, you never know what kind of, like, window is going to open up, what kind of pocket's gonna open up. Yeah. So it's just. This feels like. This feels like kind of like the. The most sustainable.
Speaker B:Yeah. Yeah.
Speaker A:Or sort of. How about you?
Speaker B:I agree. I tend to always be like, oh, well, you know, it's an exception because this week, because this happened and this happened, you know, or we, you know, we ended up getting sick or something like that. Sometimes a bit of that is true, but I find more often than not. Okay, but those exceptions always happen, whether it's in the form of sickness or it's in the form of, you know, I need to change the oil in my cars or. Or, yeah, I need to mow my lawn or something, you know, Or. Or shovel the driveway, you know, like, there's always more that needs to be done. So, yeah, I don't. I'm not planning on having more time. There may be. There may be certain times, you know, you mentioned something like November. There may be certain times throughout the year where I might have a little bit more time. The thing is, I don't want to count that that extra time will go towards gaming because of other responsibilities. And that's something we talk about all the time. But just to reiterate here this evening is that we want to be a good steward of our time. Right. And so that includes rhythms of both work and rest. Work obviously means our vocation, the job that we work at. But we also have other responsibilities, especially as husbands, as fathers, as men, we have responsibilities to. To take care of and provide for and nurture those in our families and. And try and lead them well, and both in. In direct ways and in indirect ways of, you know, so whether that means just like prepping for other stuff, like, it can include those things as well. And so I don't foresee a drastic change in areas in which, oh, well, when this happens, I'll be able to free up some more time on a weekly basis, you know, something like that. I would think that the only drastic change that would cause something like that is if Samantha were to be able to do some work or had some other obligation in the evenings. In that case. Okay, then I'll have some more free time to myself. You know, that I can use that. But I don't foresee that happening happening. So as much as I optimistically want to say that, oh, yeah, I might find some more time, realistically, I think that responsibilities will fill up any free time that I have more. So that will be the rule. The exception will be, oh, I actually have some free time and I'm going to use that to play a bit more video games.
Speaker A:Yeah. And. Yeah, and that's like, it's. It's like even said, it's like sometimes you're going to get that pocket of free time and it's like, well, it would be better leveraged over here.
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker A:Like, what I will say is that around the end of. Of April, my birthday is. And I did take a few days off. And so there might be a day or two of like, binging.
Speaker B:Sure.
Speaker A:You know, where it just like, I just like, go hog wild. But we'll see. You know, it also depends because, like, here's the other thing is, like, even on my days off, Byron's home with me. And so it's. It's not like, it's not like he's at daycare and I can just sort of like screw off and play video games the whole time.
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker A:Yeah. Like, you know, you can't do that.
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker A:Gotta be dad, you know, you gotta, you gotta. He's. He's. Again, it's the. He's two years old.
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker A:And, you know, and even if. And here's the thing. Even if I had like the whole day home, it's like my basement needs some serious attention. Like, I, I like, I have. I have like two kind of like house projects. Like, we've got two closets in the downstairs hallway that I want to pull everything out of, go through all of it and like fold and reorganize everything that's in them. Like, and then my basement just. It's a basement and it does what basements do, which is accumulates crap.
Speaker B:Yep.
Speaker A:So. And I want to go through and spring cleaning is probably here in a couple months. And so. But, yeah, so it's like there's stuff where it's like, even if I got like a free day or something where it's like, yeah, would I probably spend some of that playing? Yeah. Like, I'm not going to Lie like. Yeah, I'd probably, you know, veg out for a couple hours at least.
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker A:At the same time like the bulk of that is going to go towards other things. Hopefully. Hopefully never know. Sometimes I just, I do go like, you know, just like, you know, enter dj, DJ Goblin mode. Yeah.
Speaker B:So nice, nice.
Speaker A:But yeah, I mean short of like, let's just say like something wild happens and like a winning lottery ticket falls in my lap and it's enough money that I can just stop working at the post office and I can commit full time to try to build some sort of, you know, breakdown platform news site thing. Like, let's just say like I've fallen to millions of dollars. Right. Short of that happening. Yeah. I don't see myself like, I don't see my. And even there, even there my time will probably get gobbled up by like doing corporate nonsense garbage. But yeah, I don't have, I don't have a high view of corporate America. Sorry. Like it's not to say I despise all corporate Americans. I just, yeah, it's. It's more the broader institution Anyways guys, I'm. I'm starting to fade. Josh and I think this might be sort of a like. So. Yeah, I don't see. I think this is just sort of like the rhythm.
Speaker B:Yeah, yeah, I agree, I agree. And that's kind of just what I wanted to talk about was what gaming has looked like for us so far and then what, you know, as we move forward, if, if that's changing or what that looks like. But really I do think it's that focus on just finding that rhythm, making sure your responsibilities are taken care of. You're working well, you're working hard, you're getting what you need to done and then using your recreation time wisely. So whether that is with other people, with kids, you know, things like that, video games are a part of that. We really enjoy video games. We want to talk more about, you know, how we can enjoy him on a deep level. Certainly. But it's not the end all be all. We've got some goals, we want to hit them. But we'll see. Yeah, we'll see how it comes for the rest.
Speaker A:If we don't. It's not the end of the world.
Speaker B:Right?
Speaker A:We'll be fine. We might be sad, might be disappointed in ourselves, but.
Speaker B:But take it from that, that Russian hockey player that you don't have to be made.
Speaker A:It's only a game. Why you have to be mad? Why you have to be mad? I just why you have to be. I love that. That's one of my favorite clips.
Speaker B:Good. I showed it to my kids the other day and they loved it as well. So.
Speaker A:So we have some closing forms here, Josh.
Speaker B:That's right.
Speaker A:I think we do need to sort of engage them.
Speaker B:That's right. We gotta shout it out, you know, wow. Something like that.
Speaker A:You're just stretching like, dude. Like, it's like. Like when Bilbo Baggins talked about, like, this is how I feel.
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker A:That line for like, I feel like butter. A little bit of butter spread across too much toast. That's. That is like.
Speaker B:That is like I feel thin and stretched, is what he said.
Speaker A:Thin and stretched. That is.
Speaker B:That is actually butter over too much bread.
Speaker A:Like butter over too much bread. Yes. That line, I feel like, describes the current sort of quality. Like the current. Like that's. That's the mood right there, folks.
Speaker B:Thin and stretched. But there you go.
Speaker A:But we do need it. We do need to do it's. But it's also, I feel a fairly accurate descriptor of your pun work. It's thin and stretched. Yeah.
Speaker B:There you go. But we do have some shout outs is what I was when I was trying to get at and failing, but. So we like to shout out some people from our community that are doing some cool things. Just highlight them on the podcast. And my shout out is for Spike, who is on the podcast just a couple episodes ago. Spike, he's a g. He is g. Congratulations on getting Sunoai to write a funny bluegrass song. You did great with that. That song. And if, you know, you know, if you're part of the community, you know.
Speaker A:If you're in our discord, you will know. And if you're not, we should be.
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker A:Yeah.
Speaker B:But congratulations.
Speaker A:Yeah, congratulations for your song. Yeah, that. That song was pretty neat. I'm looking forward to seeing what else comes out of that.
Speaker B:What other tunes are manifested from that song?
Speaker A:Stop. Anyways, anyways, you're making it weird now.
Speaker B:Yeah, sorry.
Speaker A:My. My shout out goes to friend. The show Sojourner, also known as Isaac. He made himself a wallet, a wild, wacky, wonderful wallet made out of wood and metal. And he did it himself. And it looks kind of cool. It's kind of shaped like those. Like, it looks like it might be kind of like a slimline wallet kind of thing. And I dig those. Like, I like the low profile. Like.
Speaker B:Yep.
Speaker A:Dude, I don't know if I ever mentioned this on the podcast, but I gave. I don't carry a wallet with me. Anymore. I just got one of those, like, phone cases that has, like.
Speaker B:Oh, yeah.
Speaker A:Slots in it. That's all I do. I have my license and a card, and I'm just like, nope, this is it.
Speaker B:Nice. Like, so you need, like, a metal case for your phone.
Speaker A:So. Yeah, wood. So get on it. I need a metal and wood phone case there, Isaac. Come on. Chop chop. But, yeah, that's. I thought that was cool. It was a like. And it's just. I think it's good to make things with your hands, and I just wanted to shout that out. I like. I 1. I thought it looked cool.
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker A:But also, like, I think it's. It's good like, that you're making things, so.
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker A:Yeah, but that's awesome. That's all I got. Well done. Well done, Isaac. You're a real one, dog. But sweet. Oh, we also. We do. We. We have one final form.
Speaker B:We have one final form that comes in the form of a question. And that question is, what is your quest, Sean? What is your question? This is where we take questions from you and answer them here on the podcast for a chance to win. I believe it's 25 bucks, something like that. You get to win some money, some virtual currency for whatever platform you want. But that only happens twice a year. But if we pick your question that you've submitted somewhere on our social media, then your name gets thrown into the. Into the hat that we pick every six months. Anyways, for the question, I have to give it, man. I had one, and I want to ask it, and I want to, because I want Nate to have to answer it. But unfortunately, there's another question. Unfortunately for the person who submitted that, you know, there's another question that I. I just.
Speaker A:I looked ahead in the notes. I looked at the spoiler. I will. Both of those are acceptable. So those will be our two questions for this month.
Speaker B:Okay. Okay, then there you go. Then I'll. Then. Okay, no, no, then I'll just go ahead and do the first one because I want Nate to answer this. The question comes from Jono, the Redeemed Ronin. He asks if they made a sequel to Shadow of the Colossus that included a hook shot, but you had to play as Sonic the Hedgehog. Would Nate still play it? That's the question, and I think it's a fantastic question.
Speaker A:I'm disturbed. Like, that is some really deviant garbage that you just threw at my feet there. I don't know, man. I don't know. This tough because, like. Like, how. How Sonic. Like, How Sonicy is this? Is this like everything. Everything else is like, sort of like that. Sort of like Shadow the Colossus. Sort of like finesse and. And isolation and sort of emptiness and loneliness and squalor and all that. Yeah, squalor is a bit of a strong term, but like that. That's sort of that desolation, like. Yeah, that's all there. And then you have this dumb little Sonic model that might.
Speaker B:With a hook shot.
Speaker A:He has a hook shot at this point in time. Like, dude, like, I'm just saying, like, that's going to be a struggle. It would have to be. Like, I would have. Somebody else would have to play this thing first and be like, nah, it's worth it. I mean, like, I just. I don't think I could do it.
Speaker B:Okay, just picture it in your mind. Okay? We can even use one of the colossi from the first game. But picture it in your mind. You know, you're behind third person. Whatever you're behind. You're behind the hedgehog. But you see this lumbering giant with a sword coming up, walking slowly, but. But these huge steps. The dust is shooting up in the air as he takes each step. You move your control sticks forward and Sonic starts running and then turns into a little spinball and spin dashes up the side of this colossus and then finds a little the. The section where, you know, the glowy section. And then he does his little spin attack and hits that thing over and over and over again and the classes fall down.
Speaker A:You just. You're making it really weird and bad. And I don't. I do not like your vision. I'm just saying, like, I would be really conflicted. Like, you're the one who painted the picture. That's your vision dog.
Speaker B:Like, and then he swings a sword and you almost get flung off. But then Sonic, you know, brings his hook shot out and shoots it out at the colossus and grabs a hold of him and continues to spin.
Speaker A:If it was good, if it's like, here's the thing, it's not like, okay, like, I hate Sonic because I hate his games. I don't hate his games because he's in them. You know what I'm saying? Like, it's more of, like, I don't like those games and therefore I don't like him. So if he was in something that I legitimately considered good, like a formula, like, now, what I would say is, like, it also be, like, incredibly jarring. It's like, if they could find a way to like sort of incorporate Sonic into that world without making him look like just some sort of like a burnt apparent freak. Yeah, like, I'd be kind of cool.
Speaker B:I mean, you can make him look less like a hedgehog and more like a human. Sort of like the. How they originally were going to make him look in the first movie. Movie, you know, something like that.
Speaker A:It's terrible. I think, like, all I can say, Jono, is like, yeah, wait, I've got it.
Speaker B:Okay.
Speaker A:I don't.
Speaker B:Like, what if. What if you don't have to play a Sonic and instead you play a shadow and that's why it's called Shadow of the Colossus.
Speaker A:Stop.
Speaker B:Shadow of the Colossus.
Speaker A:That's just. Okay, let's just put a shadow. Be like, you know what? My answer to the question. Yeah, I hear you, I hear you. I hear you several times now. It's like, Jono, the answer to my question is I'm disappointed in you. That's the answer to my question.
Speaker B:Oh, boy. But you still get. You still get your name added in the hat, so. So congratulations.
Speaker A:I like the second one though, and I think I'm going to read it since you made me deal with that squalor. But question for the bros from our, our buddy, the Trash Turkey.
Speaker B:That's right. Yeah.
Speaker A:What show from your childhood are you excited to share with your kids? My kids really enjoyed the Adventures of Pete and Peach, which was a favorite of mine in the early 90s. So I gotta be honest, like the first show that popped up, like, there's some stuff like I'm super stoked to show Byron Ultraman, but he's not ready. Yeah, like Disney's Gummy Bears.
Speaker B:Oh, okay.
Speaker A:That was arguably, that might be one of my favorite, like, old school, like 80s era cartoons. Not because it's like I've gone back and I've tried to watch it. It's kind of dumb. But like, I still, like, I want him, I want him to see that and I, I kind of hope it holds up a little bit. Yeah, like, yeah, Disney's Gummy Bears, like, hands down, like, that's it. Good question, Turkey.
Speaker B:Yeah. Yeah. I love this question. So I've tried to get my kids into the old school, the, the Batman cartoon and it hadn't really sticked for them. I stuck. Yeah, stuck. And same with the 90s. Spider man cartoon. Tried to get into it. I think they were a little young. They didn't. They didn't get into it.
Speaker A:Batman Animated series is a little heavy too.
Speaker B:Yeah, yeah. It's. It. Yeah, it's much more noir, you know. Yeah, I, I get it. I get I'm going to try again is what I'm saying, because those are some of the best. But here recently, with a trial of Crunchyroll that I have, my entire family has really gotten into Dragon Ball Z, which is a bit surprising.
Speaker A:Like some of the times the episodes are just 15 minutes of Goku screaming, yes.
Speaker B:But man, I had not watched it in a very long time and starting it from the very, very beginning of Dragon Ball Z, it is much more of an adventure at that point. You're. For the first couple episodes, you're following Gohan as he's kind of wandering around, you know, this little like 4 year old kid and just seeing the imagination. You see Akira Toriyama all over it. It's not just fights, you know, they don't start fighting until Raditz shows up. And even then the fight's really short, dude.
Speaker A:Also, can we just like pour one out for Gohan? Man, like, worst childhood ever. Like, sure. Two kind of dads who both sucked. Like, Piccolo was like a bad surrogate father. Like he was kind of abusive, you know.
Speaker B:Well, yeah, but Piccolo also, you see, like Piccolo is evil. And then I think training Gohan was a pivotal moment for him because it kind of changes him. Like, yes, you're right.
Speaker A:And like, can we just say, like, Goku is kind of a terrible dad. Like, he's just like very opposite.
Speaker B:I disagree.
Speaker A:Well, it's, it's. And he's not terrible because like when he's there, he's great.
Speaker B:Yes.
Speaker A:Like he's dead a lot or he's like training a lot. And it's, I get it. But like, it's also like, man, you know, poor Chi Chi. That's all I'm saying.
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker A:And I like those dudes, but I just, I feel for Gohan. That's all I'm saying. I feel for young man.
Speaker B:Yeah, I get that. Yes. Yeah, you're right. He is, he is absent a lot because he wants to protect the whole of Earth Birth.
Speaker A:Yeah.
Speaker B:And so he puts that over his kids a lot of the time. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I, I do see that. But they have a good relationship, I think, when they are.
Speaker A:Yeah. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. Like, and like, listen this. I'm not saying like Goku energy. I'm just saying like, yeah, not the best father. Yeah, I get not the best dad.
Speaker B:There's a difference there.
Speaker A:Yeah, like he, he loves his family and he's got that. But like yeah, yeah.
Speaker B:But anyways, it's funny how much just like all the kids have gotten into it. My 4 year old daughter loves Gohan. Like, loves him. And it's hilarious. She pretends to be him. Both my daughters have found like strips of cloth basically, and they put them on the back of their pants and they pretend like they have tails just because the Saiyans have tails, which. And they are pretending they don't actually believe they have tails because I know kids are weird nowadays, but they have fun with it. Anyways, so Dragon Ball Z is like the main answer that I'm giving to answer this question. Because we've all gotten into it so hard and it's. It's pretty awesome except for the moments when, you know, Tien's arm gets chopped off by Vegeta or no, by Nappa is how it was. So there are moments where it's like, oh, okay, yeah, Dragon Ball.
Speaker A:Don't play around though either, man.
Speaker B:Yeah, people.
Speaker A:People die. And sometimes like, there's a lot of inferred violence, but there's a lot of like actual just like on screen violence.
Speaker B:So. So my 4 year old has been like on the verge of tears because characters have died. And like, it's very emotional because you know, all the other, you see all the other characters reactions and she's like, she recognizes it and she feels it and she like has almost started crying multiple times because of that. I'm just like, oh, that's so sweet for these cartoon characters. Anyways, so yeah, Dragon Ball Z, great question. Trash Turkey. Your name will be added. Thank you for your question. If you guys have questions for us, reach out to us on social media. You can find all our social medias on our link tree. That's linktree.com the backlog breakdown. Tons of links there. But especially to social medias, we hang out the most in Discord. There's a specific channel for questions, so that's probably the easiest way. But there's tons of ways you can get a hold of us. So if you have any burning questions and you want to win $25, shoot us a question and maybe we'll answer it on a future episode.
Speaker A:Yeah, but that's it, man. That's all we've got. I think, like, this is just a good place. Yeah, we did the things. And until next time, Josh, what should they do, guys?
Speaker B:Keep beating down your backlogs and we'll keep breaking down the benefits.
Speaker A:I can't even talk anymore. That's how tired I am. Peace.
Speaker B:Sa.
The guys reconvene to give an extended talk on the state of their backlogs, what they've played in 2025, and how gaming has changed for them this year.
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