bite sized: the mediocrest chap

Hey, guys, it's Nate and it's time for another bite size. Okay, so this is going to be one take because this isn't like a free association. This isn't me trying to explore a thought and doing it poorly and having to redo the whole thing. All I'm going to do is talk about the final standards for our Fantasy Critic League in the Breakdown Discord, the League of Mediocre Rotato Chaps. I'm going to talk through some rosters just. And you know, yeah, it's. So buckle up. I don't know if I'm going to say anything clever or not because, you know, it's. Well, monologuing is hard. It is also apparently dangerous if you're a super villain. And if you get that reference, you're probably a much cooler person than most of the people you know. But let's this year, just to sort of do a bit of a recap, Josh. Josh and I both participated. We were joined by Spike, Wesley Ray, the Henchen dad himself, Alex Castellanos. Nick, Nick, Nick. Nicholas Porch Porcho himself, the Wonder from down Under, Sojourner, Amazed by Grace 86 and, you know, longtime friend of the show, Micah Gear. Solid. So Josh, his publisher name, his fantasy critic team name, so to speak, was Critical Hits. Spikes was Spike Sharon Subscribe Games Henched. Wesley Ray Cho was Trashier taste. Alex was Jersey Rican Global llc. I like it. I like it. I like all of these so far. Each one of those, like, some of those are very, like, inside jokey. So Porchos is Games to die for, but it's all together and it's Games two, you know, you know, Portrait, now that I'm looking at, you should have had a Z after games. That would have made it so much cooler. But games, the number two and then the. The word die and then four. I was beat down gaming, but I did, I did like the Le Speak kind of thing. Sojourner was. I used to be a publisher like you. Then took a Lord of the Ring Golem to the knee, amazed by Grace, our buddy Gracious Josh. There was the Dirty Diaper Dandies and Micah Gear was Doug's Vest Digital. So now, and here's the thing, not all of the games at this point in time. There's still like, some pending releases. There's actually two for this year. Monument Valley 3 and Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. Rita's Rewind had a release date scheduled for today. I'm recording on the 10th. So, like the night before this is supposed to go live. So, yes, but, but we haven't gotten any scores for them and frankly I'm gonna say it's like it was not really a close race this year and Wes had both of those and I don't think either one of those, I don't think both of them, let alone either one of them is going to be a massive enough sort of surprised to afford us any major upsets. So let's just start. We're going to start at the bottom and unfortunately my friend and my co host, you know, Joshua, Joshua Broccoli, just a beautiful man. Well, he, he did not do well this season. He had eight release games and he's still expecting one. And to be fair too like, and this is a little bit of chastisement on my own for myself as well. Like we got it. We got to. You got to use the Fantasy critic box and you got to like be picking up games guys now. Yes, but we're all. Yeah. Anyways, so there were some empty slots but we're going to look at. Let's look at Josh's roster here. So let me scroll down. We've got do do do do do. Here we go. And it looks, it looks like Josh was at the turn. So it looks like he was at the. He was the last to draft in the first round and so he drafted the Plucky Squire. Aiden Chronicle Hundred Heroes Penny's big Breakaway Rift of the Necrodancer no Rest for the Wicked Nine Souls Alone in the Dark Nintendo World Championship NES Edition Thrasher and then as his Flex picks Flex pick because we did that where you could just like. Because there's the whole fantasy critic, you know, and you draft certain things but we said anything goes. And so Josh for his flex pick drafted Silent Hill 2 remake. So let's just sort of go through the scores here. Plucky Squire did all right for him. That got him. That was an 82 on Open Critic and got him 12 points. Ayden Chronicle 100 Heroes was a 76. That got him six points. Penny's Big Breakaway was a 77, got him seven points. Rift of the Necrodancer did not release and so that got him nothing. No Rest for the Wicked is still in early access and so it can't be scored but it does have a 73. But that got him nothing. Nine souls did pretty well for him and that looks like it was probably his best scoring game on here. There's 85 for 15 now. He did take a bit of a gig here alone in the dark. He picked that and it came out to a 64, which gets him a negative 6. The next two Nintendo World Championships NES Edition got a 71, so 1 point and thrasher a 77 for 7 points. And then Silent Hill 2. Actually Silent Hill 2 remake was technically his best scoring games. I had to make like did have to manually enter that because like Fantasy Critic didn't automatically enter those points in. But that did net him 17 points at an 87. So all of that and he did all right. He had it did. He had two no scores. He had three or four. Like, you know, you look at the three or four where he's like not really scoring much. Like one, a six, seven points, seven points. And alone in the dark is not a negative six isn't insurmountable. But like, frankly, like when it's pretty much just completely wiping out like another low scoring game. So he's effectively got like, you know, three, three, four slots where yeah, he just didn't score on anything. So. But he did have a full lineup and just kind of didn't. Didn't really hit on much. And his counter pick, he just counter picked. Somebody had picked Mario Kart, the unannounced next mainline console game. And he, he counter picked that and that did not come out. So he didn't lose points and he didn't gain points. Okay, so let's sort of scroll back up to the top. Okay, eighth place is Spike. Share and subscribe and let's just sort of roll back on down here. All right, so Spike, the other Nate he drafted or he got he on his roster. He had Hollow Knight, Silksong, Hades 2, Path of Exile 2, Star Wars Outlaws, Warhammer 40K, Space Marine 2, Animal, well, the Rise of the Golden Idol. And for his Flex pick, he had Metal Gear Solid Delta, Snake Eater. And his counter pick was Skull and Bones. Now couple things here. He did have two empty slots, so that didn't help his score any. He probably would have done a good bit better just because like. And you know what, frankly, and this is something that we'll have to talk to the group about is the way that scoring early access works and Fantasy Critic is if the game doesn't go into 1.0 release, like full release, it doesn't score. But Hades, just looking at that was a 90 and that would have bumped his score up significantly. But he, in spite of that, he did. So let's just talk about that. So Hollow Knight did not release no points. Hades was early access and didn't release into the 1.0 no points. Path of Exile 2 no points. Star Wars Outlaws was a 75 and got him 5. Warhammer 40K. Space Marine 2 was in 81 for 11 points. Animal well, was in 89 for 19. Rise of the Golden Idol was in 85 for 15. And then the counter pick for Skull and Bones got him another 10. So he ended up just. Just kind of edging out Josh for eighth place. Just just like by a point, pretty much. And again, he probably would have done significantly better if he would have drafted a couple more things and maybe dropped some games or something like that. But yeah, it's, you know, he was, he was definitely held back by essentially he's got six. Six no scoring game, like no scores. So for not having, you know, a full roster, he did okay, but he could have definitely done better. I do look at that one too. And it's like he has a few on there that I think are, you know, Hades 2 I am very excited about. I was actually just kind of eyeballing it in the steam store and I was like, do I want to just pull the trigger on this now so that next year when this thing goes into 1.0, I don't have to worry about it. But I'll. Whatever, I'll just. I'll probably just buy it at the beginning of next year with like Christmas money or something and. Or yeah, whatever. I don't care. Like it's, it's Hades. I'm going to play it. I'm going to. I'm going to buy it, I'm going to play. I'm going to love it. So whatever. I just, I am, I am waiting for the 1.0 just because that's so. But that was it. That would like again, if that was scored. They were done well. Star wars outlaws is middling. 5 points at 75 with 5 points, there's nothing to sneeze at but Warhammer 40K, that's it. That's 81. That's really respectable. Animal. Well, really good pick there. Rise the rise of the Golden Idol again. A really good pick. And because he did pick, counter pick, Skull and Bones, he gets that 10 points. It's like he, he had some really great picks and just really didn't. He just didn't. Didn't do much with them beyond that. So let's see. Okay. In seventh place, we've got Wesley Ray, the Henchin dad himself with trashier tastes. And he, he, he had some. There are some real. There's a real big. A couple real big highs and some real big lows. Here. His. His draft list was metaphor Refantazio, Princess Peach so Showtime, Monument Valley 3, Dragon Ball Z Sparking 0, South Park Snow Day, Sandland Saga Emerald Beyond, Little Kitty Big City, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Rita's Rewind. For his flex pick, he picked the Dragon Quest 3 HD 2D remake. And his counter pick was Eiyuden Chronicle Hundred Heroes. And he didn't do too poorly. He had one. So he had one that one negative game and one no score. And his counterpoint, he lost some points on his counter pick, but other than that, he had fairly respectable scores for most of his game with again, a couple really outstanding. So metaphor fantasio92 on on open critic, that netted him 25 points. So that was huge. Huge. But then his score was sort of dragged down by Princess peach Showtime, which 75, not losing points, but again, not really doing well. Monument Valley hasn't scored so far, but again, I don't see that doing at best, I see that getting him maybe like 10 points. He did Dragon Ball Z sparking zero. And again a really good pick here again at 82, getting him 12 points. South Park Snow Day came in at a 60, and so that whacked him for 10 points. Then Sand Land 74, so four points. Not bad, not bad. Saga Emerald beyond 75, five points. Again, not bad. Little Kitty, Big City 77 with seven points. Oh, those are like. Those are okay. They're better than losing points, but really you aren't making any big strides on the board. Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Rita's Rewind got a 78, so eight points again. That's. It's like, it's fine, but it's not great. Dragon Quest 3 HD 2D remake got. Got an 85, and so that netted him 15 points. So he. He did pretty good. He only. And then his counter pick IUD in Chronicle 100 Heroes, it scored to 76. So he lost six points. So not terrible. He lost 16 points, but with his games drafted, but he didn't really outside of Iudin and really Dragon Quest 3, he didn't. And I guess you can say Dragon Ball Z as well. Like, he didn't really have too many strong games, even if those games were good, you know, but like, interesting. So he did all right. And he's. He's got probably looking at his list Metaphor and Dragon Quest 3, I actually picked up both of those this year. I'm interested in playing Sand. Sand Land. Oh, you know what? I'm just gonna. I'm gonna scroll back to sort of go real quick, just through. I'm gonna do this for Josh's list too. But yeah, Wes had a few that I really like there. It says a couple notables, actually. Well, no, it's. It's better to do this. A couple notables for Josh's and you're going back to Josh Broccoli's list. No rest for the wicked. I'm interested in that. I've heard some really good things. It does look like it's kind of like 7ish territory. So we'll see. We will see. Nine souls. I've heard really great things about that. I am kind of doing to check that out at some point in time. I even chronicle 100 heroes. I kickstarted that, so I have a copy of it. I definitely want to look into that at some point in time as well. There's a possibility, I think we might be doing that next year. Next year or this. This coming year. Looking at Spike's roster, Warhammer 40K Space Marine 2 is an obvious, like, hit for me. Animal. Well, I'm kind of curious about and. And Hades. And of course, if Hollow Knight Silksong ever does come out, I will jump on that immediately. Like, that's, like, that's a day one. Like gimme. Also the middle gear. Solid Delta, Snake Eater. Yeah, I'm. I'm very interested in sort of how that works out as well. So they've got that so far coming in at six. And this is. I have to be honest, is like, this is kind of surprising. Alex Castellanos has. I've been, you know, doing fantasy critic leagues with him for a few years, and for the first two or three years that I was doing these, he dominated. I mean, just. Just crushed the one league. Just. It was like, you know, and he, you know, the thing. The only thing that made it bearable is that Alex is a total sweetie. So. But he did not have such a great season. I think he kind of. I think he took like a few more like, sort of swings. I think part of his success is that he's typically been pretty conservative, but he took a few swings and there were, frankly, looking at his list, a few misses, like things that. Looking at just me looking at his list, I'm like, I would have expected these to do a little bit better than they did. Let me take a drink of water and we'll get into this. Only the finest radio for you. I splash some of that water. All right. So, you know, looking at his. Alex's roster, he started out really strong. He drafted Tekken 8 and that got him a 90 with 20 points. So that's really, really strong game. And he started out pretty strong. Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024, which in theory we thought was going to be kind of a banger because I think the last flight simulator that came out like two or three years ago or I don't know, I don't pay attention to Flight Simulator. But the last Flight simulator that came out from Microsoft did really, really well. And this kind of came out to pretty middling reviews. It's. It got a 75 for only five points. Rise of the Ronin again. Like, I think this is like, this is one that frankly I expected to score a little higher, but it kind of landed in 77 territory. I didn't expect it to go too much higher than that, but I, you know, and so we've got that. This one is kind of like one of those is under Night in Birth two Cis Celeste. And this is like one of the things is Alex is really good. Like, if you're ever in a league with him, he is really good at finding stuff that you have no idea what that is and where it came from. But this one actually did really well for him. 81 getting him 11 points. Frost Punk 2 again, this is really respectable. 85 for 15 points. So you know, these are like those. He's got three really strong titles in the game. Our History Untold came out at a 74, only got him 4. Life is strange. Double exposure like is 71 got him 1 point. And this is like one of those things where like he, those are fine because you're not losing points, but neither one of those are great scores. Here's where he really got bit. Sky Oceans Wings for hire. He picked that up and it scored a 46 on open critic. That is a negative 16 points. And so that just demolished his score, you know. And it's. I, I, I cannot, I, I don't think he anticipated it doing that poorly, but. And so you know, that, that really just kind of like dragged him down, you know. And then he had Mario and Luigi brothership again. It scored fine. It's at 77, got him seven points, but you know, it's nothing major. And then his, his flex picks. His flex pick was Final Fantasy 14, Don Trail with an 81 for 11 points. So outside of like, honestly, outside of that, he would have done much, much better, you know, that's six if you add 16 points at what puts him at 82, which would have put him. Let's Sort of kind of look in here that would have put him in contention for like, the, you know, fourth place, you know, is somewhere in the fourth or, you know, somewhere around fourth place. It's just that that one sort of misstep. His counter pick was Dragon Quest 12, the Flames of Fate. It didn't come out. So no points taken, but also no points earned. Yeah, I know that you. You know, again, he's not a champ. Oh, actually he took. He took the. The Brotato chaps last year. So the champ, you know, coming in and just sort of like he's a little tired, a little fatigued, you know, who knows? But Alex, you know, well, what happened to only picking eights? My guy, you know, Just saying. Just saying. All right, moving along here, sitting at fifth right in the middle of the pack is Porcho the Wonder from down down there. Now, what's really interesting about Porcho and his whole thing is I think all he did was draft games that released in February. He'll have to like, correct me if I'm wrong there, but for that, that strategy didn't do too poorly for him. He did. He actually did all right. He did have a couple. Couple misses and let's talk about that. All right, so let's kind of go down Porto's list here. Grand Blue Fantasy relink at number one. 81 points or 81 on Meta. On Open Critic, 11 points. Ultro 79 with for 9 points. Skull and Bones 60 for a negative 10. The Thaumaturge 76 for 6 points. Pacific Drive 80 for 10 points. Open Roads 70. So no points. Arzette, the jewel of Faramore, 76 for 6 points. Shiren the Wanderer, the Mystery Dungeon of Serpent, Coil Island 84. 84 for 14 points. Falvedek did not. Looks like it didn't release or maybe. What's this say? I'm pretty sure that's the. Oh, it needs more reviews. So it didn't have enough reviews to score. His flex pick was Persona 3 reload, which is an 88, got him 18 points. And he counter picked South Park Snow Day for a. You know, which. And that scored a 60. So he gained 10. All in all, a fairly strong roster here. He had a couple of missteps and a couple of no scores, but what is just bizarre. And again, he just picked. Just filled his roster up with almost immediately after the draft with games that released in February and it did okay. It didn't get him in last. It got him in. Well, he's pretty much dead. Dead in the Middle, but, you know, just sort of looking at that. And I forgot to do this for Alex's, too. Man, I'm the worst. Let's dip back to Alex's Tekken 8. The standouts from Alex's Tekken 8. I bought it. Love the crap out of it. It's pretty great. I'm pretty curious about Mario and Luigi brothership. I was talking to my buddy Parker, and he said, it's not an amazing game, he said, but it is delightful. Honestly, that's like. I'm kind of curious about Rise of the Ronin, but that. That feels like a budget kind of game for me too. Just sort of look like I. That's, like, something that I will pick up for, like, 10, 15, maybe 20 bucks, maybe. Looking at portrait roster just as far as, like, stuff that I'm potentially interested in. Ultros. It's a really kind of, like, visually striking Metroidvania. I've heard some really good things about. The Thaumaturge is, like, one of those things that I'm just kind of curious as to what it is and what it's about. Pacific Drive, if I. If I'm remembering that's, like, the survival game where, like, you basically drive, like, a magic car through, like, spooky woods and stuff. And that I. That kind of looks interesting to me. Persona 3 Reloaded was, frankly, 2024's Game of the year for me just as far as, like, what I played. So, yeah, you know, again, that's a. That's an. That's a very. That's a super okay roster. Good job. Portrait for being right in the middle. Not too high, not too low. Next. It's. It's me. I've got to sort of take myself to task here. So let's pull up my roster and take a look. And I am one of the ones that I had some empty spots and. Yeah. So let's. Let's talk about my roster. And I probably could have done better if I would have drafted some more games, but life kind of. Life didn't find. Life found a way to. Well, throw me. Yeah. To goo. To goof me. So, all right. I opened up with, like, a Dragon Infinite wealth, and that did very well for me. Got me. That was a 90 on Open Critic. I mean, 20 points. I also got Unicorn Overlord, so 88 for 18 points. I got Helldivers 2, 83 for 13 points. And this is where I kind of got a little bit. I drafted Foam Stars, which got a 60 and cost me 10 points. I also got Stellar Blade, which got 82 for 12 points. I also, in that time, I picked up Banisher's Ghost of New eden, getting me 10 points. I also got the Last of Us Part 2 remaster as my flex pick. And that got me 90 point or 90. It scored 90 with 1020 points. And I counter picked Hades because I was like, it's not going 1.0. And so I took no loss and I got 82 points now. And again, I'm looking at my roster and I have three empties. And if I would have. If I would have, let's just say like, almost everything I drafted was at least 10 points. Like. And you know, so let's just say. Let's just say just super optimistic here. I would have drafted three games that would have gotten me 45 points. That would have put me in a very strong second. So my laziness cost. Now. It actually probably would have been putting me a lot closer to Micah than not. So I'm just saying I got lazy and that's. That's what really won. That's. Well. Spoilers. Well, but that's. Mike is in first. I was saving that for the end, but whatever. He. He won, the stupid jerk wad. But we'll get there. Mike is a sweetie. I. Gem of a human being. Love that dude. But yeah, I. And obviously, like, there's a whole pile of stuff on my roster that I really don't care about. Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth Unicorn Overlord. I bought Helldivers 2. I played this year, and I really had a good time with it. Film stars. That was no go. Stellar Blade is kind of like one of those things I'm mildly interested in, I gotta be honest. Like the, the, the emphasis on fan service, the. The fan servicing nature of the game, it just doesn't appeal to me. Banishers. I am also interested in that. That looks kind of like this sort of different. And then like everything on my list is actually for the most part stuff that I'm. I'm pretty interested in or, you know, but yeah, so I got lazy. And that's. That's what lost. That. That's. I, I, it was. It was mine to lose. Even with a negative 10, I had done remarkably well. Not so much in the other league, but in this league, I did all right. Moving into third, it's Sojourner with. I used to be a publisher like you, then took an Lord of the Ring Gollum to the knee. And yes, that's how I will say it every time, because that's how they said it was. So let's take a look at Isaac's list here. And overall pretty good one. No negatives at all. But he opened up with Black Myth Wukong. That was in 82 getting him 12 points. Visions of Mana 77. Him 7. Stalker 2. Heart of Chernobyl 74. 74 for 4 points. Zenless Zone 0. 76 for 6 points. Call of Duty Black Ops 6. 83 for 13 points. Gotta be honest, that one's probably one of the biggest surprises for me. I did not. I didn't think it was going to do poorly, but that's frankly a little higher than I thought Cod would score. Prison Architecture 2, no score. Excuse me, Terriborn. No score. Neva Neva 87 for 17 points. Another crab's treasure. 78 for 8 points. His flex picks. His flex pick was Paper Mario a Thousand Year door remake and 89 for 19 points. And then his counter pick was Suicide Squad Kill the Justice League and it scored a 59 getting him 11 points. So he came in strong with 96 total points. Just sort of looking through here. Black Myth Wukong is like. I'm mildly interested in it. It's like it seems like again, like I think the fact that it's probably. It's in the game award conversation is weird to me, but also kind of piques my curiosity a little bit. Visions of Mana is a budget game that I probably might check out someday, but I'm in absolutely no hurries. Stalker 2. I don't know much about the Stalker franchise, but you know who's Zenless Zone. But yeah, Zenless Zone zero. Yeah, that's just a complete non starter for me. So Call of duty Black Ops 6. I'm really. I'm trying to get through the Modern Warfare remaster and I, I just like. COD is not sticking with me. So yeah, Prison Architect 2. I've got no idea about that. It doesn't have a score. So Towerborn. I think that's Towerborn's the one from Stoic. I am looking forward to that quite a bit actually. Neva or Neva, I don't know anything about that. Another Crab's treasure. It's Dark Souls with Crabs. And there's something like kind of winsome and delightful about that that I am kind of like interested in. Paper Mario Thousand Year Door Remake. Maybe someday, but I'm in no hurries for that either. Let's keep going here. We've got a couple more to get through. So first year drafting with us, the gracious Josh really came out Swinging here with the Dirty Diaper Dandies development team. He started off with Final Fantasy. He was first in the draft order. So you know that that first pick is. It's pretty choice territory. And he snagged just an absolute behemoth. You Got Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, which it scored a 93 on Open Critic getting him 25 points. Homeworld 3 Next for 77 for 77, getting him 7 points. Prince of Persia, the Lost Crown. 87 for 17 points. World of Go to 82 for 12 points. Headquarters World War II, 83 for 13. Synergy was a new no score. Expeditions, a mud runner game. 79 for nine points. Dragon Age the Veil Guard got an 80 and got him 10 points. SteamWorld Heist 282 for 12 points. He his flex pick. His flex pick was F124 for 77, getting him seven points. And he counter picked Star Wars Outlaws. And that's the only real ding at all like he took besides the no score for Synergy. He took a little bit of a loss there. He ended up at 107 points. And just this is a really tight roster. There's some unknowns in there. And you know, who knows, if Synergy had released, he might have given Micah a. Like, I don't know anything about Synergy, but he might have given Micah a lot more, you know, a little reason to sweat per se. To me, looking at this Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth is obviously like. That's just a. Like a home run. I think that's. Yeah, that's no surprise. Definitely sort of at some point in time. I'll probably check that out. Prince of Persia, the Lost Crown. Josh and I, we talk about that in an upcoming episode. And yeah, that's a game that is kind of on my low key radar. I'm paying attention to it. But then Dragon Age Veilgard, just sort of looking at this. A lot of this stuff is. I've got no idea. Expeditions, a Mud Runner game. I am aware of those games and I think that the concept is very interesting. I have no idea how that would actually translate for me. Dragon Age of Veilgard, it's. Yeah, a lot has already been said about that, but it scored pretty well for him. I am curious about it. I kind of want to play it just to see if it closes the loop for any of the. The Dragon Age stuff for me. But someday, not in a hurry. SteamWorld Heist 2 is also. It's a pretty interesting pick. I like this. The Steamroll games. I played a few of them. So yeah, okay. And I spoiled it already. But the. The winner of the like the winner of the 2024 Mediocre League of Mediocre Potato Chaps is, you know, for all intents and purposes, unless something just insane happens at the end of the year. Micah just. And it's not even close like so Josh Gracious Josh was in second at 107 points. Micah is sitting at 150 points. He just embarrassed, you know, just completely demolished the rest of us. And so let's look at his roster right now. He started off with Dragon's Dogma 2 at an 87, getting him 17 points. He picked up the Legend of Zelda Echoes of Wisdom at an 85 getting him 15 points. Senua Saga Hellblade two 8111 points. Super Mario Party Jamboree 8111 points. He got Mina the Hollower but hasn't released. So it's a no score. EA Sports College Football 2581 for 11 points. Indiana Jones and the Great Circle 86 for 16 points. Astrobot 95 for 29 points. Lego Horizon Adventures 71 for 1 point. Eldon HE. His Flex pick was Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree 94 for 28 points. And he counter picked from stars like outside of Mina not releasing and Lego Lego Horizon Adventures scoring a little. There isn't a miss on here. He just. He just decimated us. Obviously. Astrobot is definitely like on my list of things to get around to. Dragon's Dogma 2. I'm very curious about. I want to check out Senua. I actually watched some Senua Saga when I went to visit Parker a few months back. We played around with it and it's a very technically impressive looking game or tech demo because I'm not sure that's. I'm not sure that I'd really call it a game. What I saw and obviously Indiana Jones is looking pretty interesting. Oh, I am. I am fading fast here. So it is sort of like yeah, just absolute killer roster. Lots of really interesting games this year to sort of like pop up on the radar. Not too many big, big surprises. One of the things is nobody drafted Balatro in our league, which that was a bit of a major upset. But yeah. So sort of going again from the bottom to the top. Broccoli Josh had 59 points at ninth in ninth place. Spike got 60 at eighth. Wesley Ray, the Henshin dad himself seventh place with 65. Big Chill. Yeah, Big Chill. Got himself a 66. Got sixth with 66.06 points. That's Alex. I want to get that checked out. Man, just saying, like, that's a. That's a lot of really unfortunate numbers. I think you might have dodged a bullet. But Porcho in fifth with 73 points. I showed up in fourth just at 80, 82, which is fine. Anyways, Sojourner came in at third with 96. Gracious Josh, 107 and second. And Micah again at the 151 mark, just. Just crushing everybody. And they, like, there are a couple things here just sort of, you know, going into next year, Josh had a lot of his budget left. Spike had a lot of his budget left. Porcho had a lot of his budget left. I had. I had 60. You know, I had a substantial amount. Sojourner had. Sojourner almost had killed his. And Gracious Josh, you know, also had some left in the, you know, to draft to pick up new games. So, you know, maybe if we had used that, we could have been a little more threatening. But, yeah, anyways, that is it. So, Micah, I declare, you know, as much as I can, you know, until the year is actually finished, and again, I don't foresee anything crazy really happening, but I declare you to be the winner of 2024's Fantasy Critic, the League of Mediocre Rotator Chaps. You are the mediocrist, dude. The Mediocrest, bro. Tacho, whatever. Yeah, I'm tired, folks. Hopefully you like this. And if you didn't, well, yeah, we'll try again next time. Until then, be good, do the things, and I will talk to you or talk at.
This week, Nate takes some time to run down the standings of our Fantasy Critic league and crown the winner of 2024!
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