BiteSized: Mother 3
This week's BiteSized episode is hosted by our friend and fellow #Backlog Book Club contributor, Wesley Rea! In tandem with our #BacklogBusters series for the past 2 months, Wes is coming at ya with his thoughts on Mother 3. Never played it? Well, we can't fault you for that because Nintendo's made it awfully difficult to obtain over here in the 'States, but Wes explains why it may just be worth the trouble to nab yourself a copy.
Be sure and check out Wesley's podcast, Henshin Dad and follow him on Twitter for all things Tokusatsu!
You can contact us at [email protected], join our Facebook group: The Backlog Book Club, and catch us on Twitter.
And lastly, if you want to get more personal, you can find Nate on PSN at Nate_McKeever or on Twitter, Facebook, and GG and Josh on Twitter, Facebook, and GG.
Part of the Opening theme is: "The Savior of Dream Land" ReMix by Juan Medrano, hosted by OCRemix.